Chapter 19: New Threat

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Screams blood death Issei having to see it with eyes all over again.


Clayton: On it!

Issei was in the middle of a bloody battle new enemies he now has to kill more of threat he would have ever thought.

Issei: Don't saw the fucking enemy! Damit shoot their heads off!

Issei had to learn that the hard way when he chose to do it and ended up getting his arm blown right off having to make a new one for himself but he was able to survive by luck he tried his best to warn the other but some even didn't listen and chose to do it and ended up dying.

Marcus: Damit! Anya how much longer till the silverbacks are up and running again!

Anya: Just give me 5 more minutes Issei where are the others!?

Issei: I can't summon them at the fucking moment with enemies constantly shooting at me for fuck sakes! GRENADE GOING OUT!

Issei threw a frag into the field of lambents causing a giant explosion but it was usless as the stalks kept on releasing more.

Issei: God fucking damit! Ben grab the mulcher and shoot the damn pods!

Ben: Understood! Dom Maria mind giving me a hand?

Dom: Got you man.

Maria: Let's make these mother fuckers pay!

Jace: Where the hell did these things even come from the deepest depths of hell!?

Paduk: No I would know I went there.

Issei: And my girlfriend lives there what they came out of is something fucked up! Paduk catch!

Issei pulls out his old markza and hands if to Paduk.

Paduk: My baby! You've had if all this time?

Issei: Yeah start sniping their fucking heads off solider.

Paduk: With pleasure bring it you undead fucks!

Paduk was a great sniper someone Issei could never surpass even better than Cole he'd had to say and his kills proved it as he shot the heads off three lambents in a row.

Issei: Holy shit!

Cole: Now I remember where I got my skills...

Baird: Cole a little help over here! These things are jumping out of the water and getting on board! They some how even have a chicken!?

Marcus: This damn thing breathes fire!?

Issei: Just shoot it! I don't know how the fuck they got it but shoot!

(With Vali and the others)

Vali: Mmm has anyone seen Issei? He wasnt in the bed this morning.

Grayfia: Hm What's this its blinking alot.

Vali and Saji got a good look at it and knew immediately.

Saji: Sam Sophia Luke Sara! Get your asses ready we have to get to Issei now!

Rias: What's going on?

Vali: Issei is in the middle of something and didn't tell us we have to go and help now! Let's move it soliders!

Sophia: Lock and loaded.

Sam: Ready to kick some locust ass.

Luke: Bring it on!

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