The Other Endings

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Yall choose the parents ending so that's fair but this is mini chapter of you guys choose the other endings first up Draig sad ending!

(Draig sad ending)

Issei was fighting Myyrah both using all their power to blast each other out of existence Issei was already tired from all the fighting hes been doing it for almost 2 day none stop with no rest his magic was very low no matter how many times he boost his power couldn't match up to Myyrah.


Myyrah: You've put up a good fight dragon but in the end you forgot your place as a human! You were born as a human and you will always be a human!

Issei: Damn you...

Draig: Partner...I have a plan but you have to put all your trust in me theres no going back after this you hear me!

Issei: What the plan Draig?!


Issei left arm began glowing bright green full of energy it was Draigs way of help Issei felt that energy it was strong and it was enough to finish Myyrah right off!

Issei: You're right I was born human! I was trained by a dragon but Myyrah I'M A FUCKING COG! NOW TAKE THE FULL POWER OF ONE!


Issei with one final push put everything in his attack and blasted Myyrah out of existence nothing was left of her she was gone forever...but at a cost.

Issei: Hey Draig we did it! Its finally over!

Draig: That's....good...partner...

Issei: Draig?

Issei began to notice his left arm becoming green particles and it was disappearing.

Issei: Oi Draig what the hell!?

Draig: I told you to trust me Issei...I never said what I was going to do was safe for me.

Issei: Oi Draig stop that...we have to get you back home buddy Tiamat and Albion will kill me dude please stay with...come bro...

Draig appeared in his human form in front of Issei smiling he knew he couldn't stop this.

Draig: Sorry Issei but it my time to go sort of had to use your left arm in the process...

Issei: I don't care about that! You can't leave me damit! I'm your host I don't allow you to leave me damit!

Draig: Look at you sounding like Rias when she revived you.

Issei: I'm sorry but no I can't lose you Draig without you I'm nothing!

Draig: Issei when the fuck did you become so weak?

Issei: ....

Draig: You're strong in your in own way Issei and I'm not entirely leaving I'm leave something with you...

Draig point to Issei right arm and what appeared was the boosted gear Issei just balled his right fist in anger.

Issei: Draig...why we could have found a different way why did you do you damn idiot...

Draig: It all the time we had Issei there wasn't nothing else we could do...but I have no regrets Issei because I saved the most important man who changed my life...

Issei: You know I can't bring you back already died once I can't revive the dead twice!

Draig: Yes but I still did it because you're the symbol of peace you idiot people look up to you if they see you gone forever who else will be there to lead them who else will be there to see his friends safe but most importantly who will be there to protect your family Issei...

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