Chapter 3: Elliot's Mansion.

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We see Kilo Squad walking down the street avoiding any type of battle so they could just get the mansion and finish the mission but much to their luck that wasn't going to happen.

Issei: Fucking hell do this guy ever quit!

Baird: Are you really asking that now!?!

Sophia: Stop fighting and keep shooting!

Cole pulled out his Longshot and shot the Locust that was just shooting with the Minigun that was set up Baird took the chance and threw a grenade so any locust around it died as well Issei cut a Wretch in half and shot the rest with his shotgun blowing them into pieces Akari of course his through all this madness but she still held the pistol for protection.

Issei: Shit Bloodmounts!

Baird: Shoot the rider first!

Issei did just that aiming his lancer at the Drone that was riding it firing a stream of bullet into the Drone killing it. Issei wanted try and ride the Bloodmount but than again he wants to live.

Baird: Nice work kid!

Cole: Looks like that's all of them for now.

Issei: These street are now Locust clean.

Sophia: Once again just for now but come on let's move the Mansion shouldn't be too far we just have walk through a couple of buildings to actually reach it.

Issei: *Sigh* and I'm sure those buildings are full of Locust.

Baird: Sadly kid you're right so come on let's move Kilo.

Issei: I'm just glad no one else has to go through this from my universe the only reason why I still fight was for one reason to live and go back to my universe and live a peaceful life there but now I have another...

Draig: Akari huh?

Issei: Yeah she's important to me I dont know by have to take care of her no matter what and I'll make sure i do take care of her like a real father.

Draig: What will your mother and father say when they see her hmmm?

Issei: Fuck...they will probably be asking me who's the mother or probably pamper her with a lot of love.

Draig: Welp that's something we can agree with but better focuse now partner I sence another battle.

Issei: Heh don't need to tell me twice I'm more focused than I was back then. Talk to you later buddy.

Akari: Dad do you really think this will end soon do you really think we will all finally have a normal life?

Issei: I know it we will end this the Gears end this war and we can see kids like you grow up and you will lead the new generation, raise them to be strong so stuff like this never happen again.

Akari: You think so?

Issei: I know so!

Baird: Trust him kid because we are the best of the best!

Cole: Yeah baby these Locust won't know what hit them!

Sophia: Don't get all cocky you 3 this war might take years to finally end this but as you said we will do it she said smiling at Akari.

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