Chapter 7: RAAM

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Issei and Vali were in the hollow it was empty so far some Kryll here and there but they didn't bother them since they had some light they were making their way towards Baird and Cole not to far from them seems they were getting near their location but they just had to find them to finally end this freaking nightmare.

Issei: Jesus fuck I still can't believe these assholes live down here.

Vali: Maybe that's why they're trying to take over the surface they have nothing down here its shit.

Issei: Miracle there are still a bunch of these fucks.

Vali: They must mate quickly or I'm guessing they would be extinct by now.

Issei: And they don't mate with humans so my last guess they either fuck with the queen or they some how manage to fuck a berseker...

Vali: Jeez I don't know who I feel bad the berserker or the locust actually fucking with her.

Issei: Wouldn't matter they will die to our hands either way.

Vali: Cock blocker much?

Issei: They're locust who gives a shit about them?

Vali: Very true.

Issei: Fucking hell where are these two I swear Baird Cole where the fuck are two jesus christ.

Baird: Kid we have been listening to you talk for a while

Issei: Excuse me...

Baird: Yeah we are literally under you we didn’t say anything thinking you'll find out sooner or later.


Issei: Mother fuck...alright let's go Vali I just hope Saji is doing better than we are right now....

(With Saji)


Sophia: Saji calm down they're dead.

Marcus: Shes right we get you hate these fuckers as well hit going in battle crazy will get you killed once we meet up back with the other I'll be sure to let Issei teach you that.

Saji: Shit...

Sophia: I wonder how those 2 are doing Issei did say they will handle the two.

Saji: I don't know it felt weird I felt Valis energy just disappear and come back but stronger and different...

Sophia: How would that work?

Saji: I don't know we will have to ask them when we see each other but it scared me sensing her power just drop it made me feel like she died or something...

Sophia: Huh? Please this is Vali we're talking about she won't that simple!

Marcus: Don't bet on it those two may be strong but it seemed Issei knew that he can still die to bullet no matter how strong he techinally is with his super natural powers.

Dom: Yeah as the guy told us some how if these locust were able to kill God Satan even fucking Hades than what's stopping them from killing him now?

Saji: Shit you're right on that...

Sophia: Yeah but we did hear Issei say they beat those two locust so what's the problem?

Marcus: The problem is he sounded shocked on what just happened so either he will have something new to tell us or we will probably have to face a new enemy now.

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