Chapter 8: Vacation!

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We come back to Issei still having his "spar" with Katerea blocking all her demonic blast.

Katerea: How are you this strong!

Issei: Lady I been fighting monsters that could have me dead in 5 seconds and I can kill you right now if I wanted to but right now I'm taking it way too easy.

Katerea: Impossible!

Issei: Alright tell me how strong would your leader be?

Katerea: Pfft you mean Ophis she would have to killed without even using 5% of her power you're nothing!

Issei: Oh boy do I have new for you...

Draig: Partner I dont think-


Katerea: W-What is this!?!?

(With Great Red)

Red: What in the world? What type of power is this?

(With Ophis)

Ophis: This power... I need it...

(Back with Issei)

Issei: Its been a while since I've used this form feels nice.

Katerea: I-

Issei: When keep this up and you'll end up dying to my hands if that's what you want or you can stay alive and become one of my future mates heh.

Katerea: What would I get being with you?

Issei: Well one I'll keep you protected till the day I die and being one of my mates I can also give you a huge power boost.

Katerea: Wait what!

Issei: Yeah it's a thing I been working on with my dragon scales I transfers some power into it and use it like one of those evil pieces but you won't be one of my slaves or servants as the devils say you will still be free but you will be part dragon and part devil than.

Katerea: How strong would that make me?

Issei: I don't know probably stronger than Azazel and Sirzech combine.

Katerea: Huh?

Issei: Can't really guarantee it but you will be stronger than one of those two.

Katerea: But why don't you see me as evil?

Issei: Alright I've seen monster alot stronger and scarier than you so no you have a chance on changing who you are but the enemy I've been fighting they are way far from changing...

Katerea: Now what makes you say I will stay loyal and not use my power up against you?

Issei: Because even with the power boost I pass you by a lot and trust me when I say this you would be dead right now but I'm buying you time.

Katerea: W-Would you protect me from the others than?

Issei: If they try to harm you than yeah I mean I even got the white Emperor and a dragon king on my side even a solider that can kill off many of those magicians you have on your team.

Katerea: Than I accept your offer!

Issei: Heh good!

Katerea: Also you don't seem too bad good looking and powerful just my type.

Issei: Oh do I have more than just looks and power lady now come on pretty sure my friends are finishing off your friends.

Katerea: Alright.

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