Chapter 13: Back to the Hollow

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Issei and his squad were now wide awake cleaned off from the rain Luke was still throwing up Worm blood Issei just had his immune system cleaned thanks to Draig making him cough out all the blood that wasn't his.

Luke: I've never want to do that ever again!

Sara: I feel like brushing my teeth with actual bleach...

Issei: Thank the God I have Draig to clean up my blood system.

Draig: Probably going to be like that for a while since making me a body will drain you of your retaining magic.

Issei: Yeah thanks buddy. Hoffman we are ready for pick up today is really shitty.

Hoffman: Actually Son I have a request for you.

Issei: Sir not to sound like a bitch but we've been eaten by a damn worm I need a fucking break my magic reserves are low to the point I can only use Draigs Juggarunat drive only one more time!

Hoffman: I know I know but look we need this! It's a Lab up north just get there and get data that Prescott here says it will help us in this war.

Issei: Fuuuucccck fine we'll do it but how the hell will we get there?

Hoffman: A chopper is delivering you a tank

Issei: Really a Tank? Why cant we just take the chopper there?

Hoffman: Just do it son Hoffman out.

Issei: Welp shit.

Luke: Ok I'm finish for now so what's the new mission damit.

Vali: Seems like we have to go to a lab and get some info on something Hoffman doesnt even explain it.

Issei: Hey if it helps us to defeat the locust I'm not complaining.

The chopper brought the tank dropping it right in front of them everyone got in with Issei driving and Vali controlling the weapon Saji sat on the outside keeping watch while Luke and Sara just sat down waiting till they got to their destination.

Luke: Gah I still taste the blood in my fucking mouth.

Sara: Shut up I dont wanna hear it either!

Issei: Here you two.

Issei just summons tooth paste and a tooth brushes with a bucket of water passes it to them to clean their mouth.

Luke: Thank the lord!

Sara: Where did you take these from?

Issei: I don't know stole them from a random universe but I dont give a shit.

Luke: Good enough for me.

The group got to the Laboratory it was pouring still getting heavier of course it didn't bother them matter of fact it felt nice but as of now they had a mission.

Issei: Alright Vali Saji and Sara you three will go in the Lab and find the Intel Hoffman wants be careful in there just because it looks empty doesn't mean it is.

Vali: Why us?

Issei: Well for one I'm trying to restore my Magic reserves so I need to rest for a bit Luke and I will also be watching the tank we will give you a call if we get attacked alright?

Saji: Yeah man catch you in a bit.

The three walk to the left to enter the building while Issei sat the tank keeping an eye out with Luke.

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