Chapter 9: Vacation pt. 2

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Issei and the rest of his group were finally back in their universe and right in front of the school which was a bad idea since there were students there.
(Once they get back to their universe they go by their original names)

Random: Hey did you see that?

Random 2: Yeah they appeared out of no where!

Issei: Shit...

Saji: Hey everyone...

Random: Wait is that Saji!?

Random 2: It can't be he was claimed dead like Hyoudo suck the other pervert didn't freaking join him!

Issei: Oh so you enjoy taking shit behind my back now huh!

Random: Huh?


Random: What no way!

Random 2: Yeah no offense but Issei was useless a huge huge pervert I'm surprised he got into this school you actually look awesome!

Issei: Hmp that's because you're seeing me in my adult stage.

Issei returns back to his 17 year old figure with Vali joining in Saji was already in his 17 year form since he wanted his parents to still know him.

Random: No way!

Issei: Yeah surprise yah cunts!

Murayama: Issei?

Katase: The pervert was still alive?

Matsuda: ISSEI!


Issei: Seriously guys 4 months and you guys still haven't stopped with your perverted stunts?

Motohama: Huh?

Issei: *sigh* look all I'm saying is grow up I mean Seriously being perverts for a long time won't get you anywhere.

Matsuda: Ok who the hell are you! Our Issei would never give up the dreams of being a harem king!

Issei: Eh I didn't give up on the dream just put less effort into it and put my mind into more important stuff.

Motohama: What can be more important than tits and ass man!

Issei: Fighting for the right damn cause.

Akari: DADDY!

Issei: Yo! Akari seems like you remembered while your idiotic of a father had Saji remind him.

Issei went back to his 21 year old form once again shocking everyone but most of the girls enjoyed Issei look in 21 year old but Murayama and Katase had different reactions.

Murayama and Katase: DAD!?!?

Grayfia: Issei our daughter has been given a shower.

Sophia: And doing a good job on her training nice going kiddo.

Asia: I've even been teaching her how to read and write!

Rias: Issei have you been showing off?

Akeno: Ara Ara Issei sure has become a stunning man.

Vali: Oi cool it kinky one.

Gabriel: Um Issei was it wise to show your old friends well you?

Issei: Meh who cares everyone in this school takes me as a joke so fuck it

Irina: Issei you can't be saying that!

Issei: Whys that?

Xenovia: Don't you have God within you?

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