
Everyone is standing in front of place where the umbrella academy used to stand. There are only ruins now.

There's a long silence since every siblings morns, causing Lena to stand there rather awkwardly.

"Five do you already know a way to get us out of here?" Luther sighs, looking at some bricks at his feet.

"My powers aren't working because they're drained because I had to time travel you all here. I will tell you when I've got energy enough." Five rolls his eyes at his brother. The two brothers glare at each other.

"Five" Lena cuts in "You've been here long enough to know where we can find water, right?"

Five's eyes fall upon the girl and his expression softens. "There's a lot but it's miles away from here. I don't think you're able to go that far with your leg." He tells her.

She sighs and looks down at her wounded leg. It's true, he's right.

"Five, you can take  Klaus with you to go to collect water. Allison and I can look for Diego and join him to look for something to eat while Lena stays put with Vanya." Luther suggests but it's more a plan. Other times Diego would comment something about his brother's plan but this time, he isn't here.

"We could do that but.." Five looks back at Luther "But Lena shouldn't be alone out here."

Klaus let's out a chuckle causing his young looking brother to glare at him.

"Nothing will happen here. Everything and everyone is dead Five." Luther rolls his eyes. Diego's job got taken over by Five and he can't help but feel annoyed by it. It's a good plan.

"I'll be fine. Y'all can go." Lena sends everyone a weak smile but it doesn't convince them. Yet, they do decide to listen and leave to find food and collect water.

Lena's eyes fall upon the unconscious woman who's laying just a bit further than her. Vanya looks peaceful in her sleep or whatever state that she's in. You wouldn't think that she's in the apocalypse right now.

"It's weird to know that you caused. . all of this. It doesn't even look like you're capable of dooing such a thing." Lena says, sitting down next to Vanya "The one day I'm going to bed and the next morning I wake up in this world."

"You know, I don't think that they're angry with you. They love you."

Vanya's eyes open, causing Lena to freeze.

It doesn't take long for Vanya to sit up and turn her head to the girl.

"Who are you?" Vanya asks, worry in her voice.

"Is it good or bad you?" Lena manages to ask Vanya.

A frown appears on Vanya's forehead and she examines the girl, Lena. "What are you talking about?" Vanya asks.

Lena sighs when she realizes that it's up to her to tell Vanya everything, even though she doesn't know all the details herself.

The girl tells Vanya everything but knows that this was actually Vanya her siblings their job. They're not here, so it's hers now.

Aidan & You // Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now