The Final Battle 1

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"It wouldn't have been me standing here had you not shown me the same level of affection I have shown you all of your life Ye Hua." Su Jin screeched back at them before blocking the sudden flare of energy that Ye Hua suddenly and without warning threw at her.

Completely surrounded by both Celestial soldiers and Ghost Tribe warriors, Ye Huas mind folded in on itself.  His grief at losing the only woman he would ever love began to well up inside of him as Su Jins insane laughter continued to taunt him.

And before his Grandfather could stop him, Ye Hua closed the distance to take her out himself.  He no longer cared for his Grandfathers affections towards her and nor did he care that the Ghost Tribes warriors instantly closed in to support her.  The  dark energy pouring from her body was all the proof they needed that she was one of them and just as instantly, the Celestial soldiers joined the battle.

In the Bell, Qing Cang realized he had lost control of the girl the moment Ye Hua arrived.  He had underestimated the level of love she had for that boy, seeing as she had allowed herself to be completely taken over by him.  The girl had no idea of the power his Source really was, and now desperate to get it off her, he too joined the battle.

Instantly the Bell fell open and as his hell fire flared outwards Haode was there to meet him having stood back to wait for his arrival.  He might not have the experience of a war hardened general and overlord, but he loved his people and he cared a great deal for the lives of the whole and as his sword came up, the bugles rang out to the sound of beating drums.

Qing Cangs energy levels were the lowest they had ever been so in that sense, he was not as powerful as Haode, but what he had was thousands of years of experience and knowledge of Haodes capabilities and unless the old man facing him had trained in his absence, he was not overly concerned.  

Though a quick glance at Ye Hua suggested that getting Su Jin out from under his sword would not be an easy task.  The boy might be young, but he was powerful and with the level of hate in his eyes, even more so, because nothing drove a spirit to commit murder than hate or even love and he could see clearly that both emotions were raging in the boys eyes.

But he soon let that thought go when Haodes sword flashed across his face.  Blocking it with his Haldberd, a weapon of immense power, he aimed to kill the man quickly before tackling Ye HUa in order to get his power source off Su Jin.  He had waited too long in the bell and that was because the man was a show pony.  He wanted a grand entrance and was waiting for the Celestials to arrive before killing them all, only Ye Huas arrival had forced Su Jins mind off himself.

Its no matter..... he thought to himself as his halberd slashed across the air and catching Haodes chest where a deep wound opened.

"This is too easy Haode.  Did you really think the boy would do it all for you?  Is that why you're overweight?  You didn't even bother to train for this day did you, or did you think your gold robes and accessories were all you needed?" Qing Cang mocked him as Haode quickly put distance between them.

"I am truly offended." Qing Cang roared before lunging at him and forcing Haode onto the defensive.  He may not have skills, but the anger was rising and within seconds, an epic battle erupted between both Overlords, one that a few soldiers below had stopped to watch.

Ye Hua on the otherhand was oblivious to it.  His thoughts were only on taking the life of the woman who had dared to kill his wife.  He had never hated anyone in his entire life, of course he disliked many, but hate was not in his vocabulary, it was a senseless emotion because so many mistakes were made when under its influence, and Su Jins predicament was proof of it, however, in his mind was the beautiful soft eyes of his Su Su, the mischevious eyes of his Si Yin and very briefly he caught a glimpse of Bai Qian seconds before she fell to her death.

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