Chapter 8

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For the next few days, I haven't seen Juyeon. That's actually better, at least my days will be peaceful. Though I haven't seen him physically, he still kept on sending me hateful letter and it got worse.

This is what I am afraid of. He got worse and he even included Changmin.

“Stop using Q to gain popularity, you fameWHORE!”

“You're just going to spread your gay virus to Q!”

I gulped as I crumpled the paper and threw it to the nearest trash can. I can't let this happen again. They already did it before. I can't let them ruin Changmin like how they ruined my best friend before.

I closed my locker and went to the safest place I know, the rooftop.

“What are you going to do next, Juyeon? Changmin has been guarding that gay since day one.” A familiar voice said.

I froze on my stop. Isn't that Hyunjae?

I tiptoed to the door and slowly peeked. I saw Juyeon and his friends, holding a lot of papers. I bet that's the letters that they have been sending me.

“I know,” Juyeon said, “That's why I started executing my plan quietly unlike before, but you know me. If I want something, I would do anything to get that. If I have to include Changmin in my plan, then so be it.”

I gasped. I knew it! They are up to something again. I rushed down and went to find Changmin.

I stopped by the dance club room, but he wasn't there. I went to the cafeteria, still no sign of him. I ran to our classroom because I thought I heard his voice, but he wasn't there as well.

I took my phone out and called Kevin, hoping that he knows where Changmin is.

“Kevin! D-do you know where C-Changmin is?” I immediately asked him as soon as he answered the call.

“Hold on, you should relax first...” He said.

I took a couple of deep breaths before speaking again, “I am relaxed...”

Kevin chuckled, “Okay then, he's with us. We're inside our club room.”

I ended the call and went to the club room, and as soon as I saw Changmin, I quickly pulled him into a hug.

Kevin and Jacob cooed at us, but I didn't mind them. I slowly let go of the hug, and took his hand, “Please take care...”

His eyebrows furrowed, “Thank you, New and I will, but what do you mean?”

I was about to speak when the door suddenly opened. My eyes widen when I saw the person who opened it. I even almost fell on my knees.

He gave me a smirk before turning his attention to Changmin.

“Q, the members are asking for the next steps.” Juyeon said.

Changmin just nodded at him and looked at me. He kissed my forehead, “I'll be back.”

With that, he left the room with Juyeon and went to their own club room. I sat down on the floor and Kevin along with his boyfriend sat beside me.

“What was that huh?” Jacob asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Why did he kiss your forehead like that?” Kevin asked.

“N-nothing...I don't know...we're just really close friends...” I answered.

Am I right, or am I? But it is impossible for him to like me, especially when he knows that someone has been sending me roses every day and I still have some unsettled business with Juyeon.

The same applies to me. I know I am attached to him but that's only because I see him as my best friend, right? I can't have feelings for him. I just can't, because the last time I did, something bad happened to him.

He was my only best friend, my sweet Younghoon. If only I didn't develop any feelings for him when he comforted me, he would have been still here.

“Chanhee, you're dumb.” Jacob said as he rolled his eyes.

Kevin laughed, “Right!”

I just shook my head and laid on the floor. I sighed. If I didn't break up with Juyeon, will everything still be fine by now?

I was about to close my eyes and take a power nap when I felt something hit my tummy.

“Your admirer asked us to give you that because apparently, he wasn't able to place it below your locker because when he went there, you were still there.” Jacob said.

I took the thing that he threw at me, and it was a rose.

I quickly stood up, “Y-you know...”

Kevin nodded as he went closer to me. He patted my shoulder, “Since day one.”


They both winked at me. How did they know? Am I the only one who doesn't know any single thing about my admirer? Of course, unless Changmin doesn't have an idea too.

“Before you asked us who it is, we can't tell you yet. It's not our job to tell you his identity.” Kevin said.

So it wasn't Juyeon or his friends? Then who would send me those roses, letter, and everything sweet? Could it be...


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