Chapter 3

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I didn't know what to do with the rose, especially when the letter clearly stated that it was for me. During break hours, I just stared at the rose. Admiring the beauty of it and at the same time, thinking about the possible reason why someone sent this to me.

Could it be that they want to bully me again?

I gasped at what I suddenly thought of. No, it can't be. I can't afford to feel the exact pain that I felt before. I am starting to be okay now that I am alone. I am starting to feel comfort in loneliness. They can't just come back in my life and ruin it again! I don't know what I will do the next time they do such thing again...

“Nice flower, who gave you that?” Startled by the sudden voice I heard, I looked at the door and saw Changmin, walking towards the seat beside me with a sweet smile plastered on his face and some snacks on his hands.

I kept the rose inside my back and just shrugged.

“So tell me huh, who gave you that?” He said, teasingly. I shook my head, because I, too, don't know who gave it to me.

“R-random student, I g-guess...” I said.

He just nodded. I was about to put my earphones on when he placed a bag of chips on top of my desk. I turned my gaze at him with a confused look on my face.

“It's for you, since you gave me a slice of pizza earlier.” He winked at me.

I can feel my blood rushing to my cheeks, so I quickly looked down and gave him a small thank you. I just heard him chuckled as he started eating the snacks that he bought.

Seriously, what does he want from me? Why is he so sweet and kind, and friendly? Muddled with my own thoughts, I decided to put on my earphones and started singing along to the song, quietly that I may or may not be almost whispering.

I am listening to Baby It's Okay by Day6. This song has been my comfort song since it was released. Whenever I feel down, I will just listen to it and then I'll be fine.

“Y-you have a really good voice!” My eyes widen when Changmin suddenly removed my earphones. Startled by his actions, again, I moved aback that I almost fell from my seat. Just like our first meeting.

“A-am I s-singing loudly?” I asked him. My eyes are still wide open.

“You were actually singing so quietly, but I am too focused on listening to you so I heard you loud and clear.” He said, “But really, you have a very good voice! You should join the school's singing club.

Embarrassed by what just happened, I smiled awkwardly and looked away.

“I-i'm not i-interested...” I said.

“That's sad,” He sighed, “But in case you changed your mind, just tell me. My friend is the current president of the club, and I can help you join.

I just smiled and nodded.

I am really, really disappointed in myself. How can I embarrass myself like that? I should have not sing along, even if I did it so quietly, I should have not done it.

I sighed, if only I have the same confidence that I had before, I could have sing in front of everyone by now. Sadly, I already lost my confidence and even my dreams of becoming a singer.

I was once a part of the singing club, or as we refer to it as School's Voice Club because we are the so-called angelic voice of the club. I was one of the best vocalists. Until one day, as I was performing, Juyeon—my ex-boyfriend—and his friends showed up and started ruining my performance. Since then, I haven't sung publicly. I feel like the words of the audience are as sharp as knives, and it didn't just stab my heart and confidence, but also my voice.

After all the classes that surprisingly passed by fastly, I went to the restroom first. I just stayed there for a couple of minutes, thinking whether I should or should not join the club again.

I don't know what's with Changmin, but after meeting him for two days only, he can already influence my decisions and such.

For the 20th time of the day, I sighed. I went out of the restroom and went to the singing club, and lucky for me, the current president and his boyfriend is still there.

“Chanhee...y-you came back!” Kevin said. He ran towards me and hugged me tightly. Jacob, who has his guitar on, also approached me.

“We should sit down.” He said, giving me and Kevin a chair to sit on.

“So,” Kevin started, “What made you come back?”

I smiled, “I don't know...there's this one boy, and well he heard me singing and he told me to join this club. He even said he's a friend of the current president—which is you, Jacob.”

Jacob gasped, “So you're that shy kid that Changmin told me!”

Confused by what he said, I just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Minutes before you came, probably about 15 minutes, he went here and told me that there's this cute yet shy guy in his class that has a very good voice. I guess he's not wrong.” He teased, making both of them giggled.

I just covered my face with my hands as they laughed loudly.

“So, are you going to join us again?” Kevin asked.

I sighed, “Let's keep it a s-secret...until I'm r-ready...”

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