Chapter 6

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A week has passed, and it's only becoming worse and worse.

After Juyeon beat me, Jacob and Kevin apologized to me because they didn't tell me that Juyeon's club will be joining us in our performance. Of course, I told them that it's okay since technically, it's Changmin's club now.

I am still receiving roses but this time, I have been receiving two instead of one. It doubled, just like the letter. Instead of receiving only one, I have been receiving a lot.

A lot of hate letters.

"New stands for faggot."

"What a dumb gay."

I took a deep breath. I'm used to it. Actually, these sentences are nothing compared to the death threats that I had before.

I was told to be careful on my way home because they will fuck the hell out of my ass, they will shoot me a lot of times, they will stab me to death, and such.

I just threw them away and kept silent, because I know that for so long that I will keep my mouth shut, they will eventually stop too.

And they did, until now.

I went to my first class, and for the first time ever, I was not the first student to enter the room. It was this orange haired boy named Changmin.

I sat on the chair beside him, and just like the usual, he turned to me and gave me some chips.

"Good morning! How was your sleep, New?" He asked.

I sometimes wonder where he gets all the positive energy. How can he smile and greet everybody? Then I'll remember, he doesn't live like me. He is not me, so of course, he's way happier than me.

"Fine, I guess..." I replied.

He giggled, "That's good, but I have something to say to you."


He went closer to me and whispered, "You were in my dream last night..."

I froze in my spot. I can feel my cheeks becoming as red as a tomato—and by the way, I don't like those. I heard him chuckled as he went back to his seat.

"It's our foundation day. We were performing in front and people were cheering for you. They were like, "Chanhee! Chanhee!". That makes me more excited about our performance!" He then screamed like a dolphin.

I shook my head. That was a good dream, and I also know that it will only happen in his dreams. Those students won't cheer for me. They will just throw random things at me.

If it weren't for this boy, I could have backed out already.

Changmin was really, really happy when he found out that I joined the club. He was looking forward to teaching me the choreography because that means we'll spend more time together and he can finally know me better.

Last week, when I was beaten up, he went home with me and to my surprise, his house is just two blocks away from mine. But what surprises us more is the fact that he knew my brother, Sangyeon. He said he met him once in a convenience store.

He also told me that I should rest well because the steps are quite complicated but he knows for sure that I can do it.

He's that positive.

I turned to the window beside me. The class just started, and I'm starting to get bored already. I watched how the birds dance and sing to the wind, they look so lovely.

I was once like them. I can sing freely, without people judging me. Until I let this heart changed me.

I always sing, whenever and wherever I am. That's why I became close with Kevin and Jacob because all three of us wanted to be a singer.

Well, until Juyeon came into my life and we started going out.

He was a kind person—well at least during our first six months as a couple. He was so caring, but everything changed when we did that.

He started hitting me when he's mad. He started making excuses. He even forgot our anniversary. I was so devasted. How can he forget that day? Does he not love me anymore?

That's when I confronted him and told him that we're done.

The next night, I received a call from him. He was drunk, and he asked me to come to talk to him. I contemplated whether I should or not go, but in the end, I went to where he is and talked to him. It didn't end up well. He started accusing me of cheating. That's when I told myself that this will just lead to some pointless argument and I should just go back home, but when I was about to leave, he grabbed me by my wrist and punched me so hard.

I went home with a bruise on my face, and what did I tell my brother? I told him that I was so stupid that I tripped while walking and I even laughed, but deep inside, I was crying so hard. After that, they started bullying me. They as in Juyeon and his friends, Hyunjae, Haknyeon and Sunwoo.

"New," I was back to my senses when Changmin patted my shoulder. "The class is over. Do you wanna practice?"

Can I say no? Of course...

"S-sure..." I replied with a small smile as I stood up and fix my things.


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