Chapter 7

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"Change of plans Chanhee. You'll be performing solo now since I know your past experiences with Juyeon and his friends." Kevin said.

After our first class, we went to the club room as Changmin wanted to practice. As he was teaching me the first steps, Jacob then told us to stop practicing for a while as he and Kevin will tell us something important first.

I will now perform solo on stage, and I will be singing Taylor Swift's Love Story. They want me to be comfortable as possible, and they know my problems with Juyeon and his friends so they thought that it will be better if I will perform solo.

But I will also not be comfortable in that way.

"That's great! I think your voice suits that song better." Changmin cheered.

"Y-you think so?" I asked.

Changmin nodded, "Of course! Your voice is really sweet, right Kevin?"

Jacob and Kevin looked at each other first, and they ended up laughing, "Right hahaha!"

Jacob patted Changmin's shoulder, "You're being too obvious, dude."

Lost in what Jacob said, I just took out my phone and searched that song. I listened to it a few times, and it really is a cute song. I know Romeo and Juliet, who doesn't? And I couldn't believe that she liked the said play very much that she changed it and turned it into a happy ending.

I practiced and practiced until I was able to memorize the first verse up to the chorus. Jacob also told me that I can start planning on how I will execute my performance and to be honest, I don't have any idea. Not even one.

I sighed, thinking about how can I make this performance beautiful despite having a disastrous moment before.

What if they don't like my performance again? I don't want to be humiliated anymore. It hurts so, so much.

"I will just go get some things in my locker," I said and Changmin just nodded.

I quickly went to the locker room and took all the things that may help me. My diary, ballpen, and milk. Of course, milk. It has been a part of my life, maybe that's why I got skin as white as a milk.

"Fancy meeting you here, New."

My eyes widen when I heard that familiar voice. I didn't dare to look at him because I know that if I did that, my life would be at risk.

"So you're just going to ignore me...huh?" He whispered.

His voice sent chills to my nerves and that made me shivered. I was praying in my mind, hoping that they would spare my life.

I felt his hands on my hips, slowly making its way to my tummy. I quickly moved away. I know what he is doing, and I can't let that happen again.

He smirked, "Did I touch the part that I punched? Does it still hurt? I'm sorry baby, I would be more gentle now promise."

He went closer to me again, and I just kept on moving backward until I hit the wall. He caressed my cheek, still keeping that smirk of him on his face. He slowly leaned closer, that I can feel his breath already.

I closed my eyes while trying to move my face.

He's going to do it again...He's going to do it ag--

"Hey, bastard!"

My eyes shot open upon hearing the voice of Changmin, and the first thing I saw was Juyeon on the ground and Changmin punching him.

I quickly went to grabbed Changmin away, "Stay away from New!" He shouted.

Juyeon just smirked at him, "So you're his new sperm supplier huh?"

Changmin's jaw clenched, "What did you say?!"

As he was just about to strike again, I quickly tried my best to pull him back. He was eager and mad. Very, very mad. This was the first time I saw Changmin acting like this. I know that Juyeon is just provoking him to create a bigger scene and so he could use the victim card and ruined Changmin's reputation.

And I can't let that happen. At least not again.

With all my strength, I pulled Changmin so hard to make him face me. I cupped his cheeks, "Relax, okay? Just relax...take a deep breath..."

He blinked at me a few times before hugging me so tight.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He murmured.

"I was not hurt, thanks to you. So you can relax now." I whispered to his ears.

I looked at Juyeon who was sending me death glares, and even though I have seen that a lot of times already, I still get scared. I know what he is capable of doing, and now, I'm afraid that he'll include Changmin in his plan.

I don't want my first friend after how many months—or even years to get hurt.

I don't want him to hurt Changmin.

I am used to pain. I can take everything that he will do, but for Changmin, I don't know how much he can take it. I already know how much it hurts to be a victim of Juyeon, and I don't want Changmin to experience the same thing.

I slowly let go the hug, "Let's just go." I smiled at him and held his hand.

Just as we were about to leave the locker room, Changmin stopped and turned to Juyeon again.

"Touch him again Juyeon, and I swear I'll dig your own grave for you."

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