
"Darius I feel really bad." He groaned, eating some of the food now. Almost like he was taking his frustration out on eating. How adorable...

Suddenly found myself watching Achille eat even though he said he wanted to share with me.

"No need to feel bad."

"I must. What can I do to get your forgiveness?"

I watch him stare into my eyes, waiting for me to tell him what he can do. Smirking I find myself wanting to kiss him. His lips looked so soft and I wanted to feel them on mine.

"You can go on a date with me. That little stroll, want to turn it into a date - today."

Achille stared up at me in shock by my words. His cheeks flushing with a light pink that made me smile again.

"A - a date?"

"Yes, a date-."

"I've never been on a date...ever. Even in my time I was so keen on keeping my family afloat, didn't have time for a love life. Especially with a man..."

I flinch at his words, chuckling as I shake my head.

"I was kidding. A date with a man and you're a man yourself? Yeah, it's crazy-."

"I - I never said it was crazy. I didn't say no... I would actually love to - to go on a date with you."

I find myself hugging him to me, wondering how I got so lucky. Able to go on a date with the most beautiful and misunderstood man I've ever met.

"This is actually really good." Achille said, grinning at me." You're really good at cooking and it has me wanting to become a better cooker in a way. Did you help your mom cook in the kitchen or learn from your grandparents their dishes?"

My eyes dropping, I lean back in my chair. Clearing my throat as I smile at him and shrug.

"Truly, if I'm being honest, I don't have parents. Grew up my whole life in foster care and no one ever adopted me. So I helped around the place and kind of made a name for myself there. Being the best chef I could be and doing others chores. Honestly...I don't remember a time I wasn't in the system until I was about seventeen or eighteen."

Achille frowned, resting his elbow on the table. I could tell he was showing interest in what I was saying and I was happy to see that.

"Really...? I would've never guessed it. You seemed like a person who had such a happy child... I'm sorry for assuming."

"It's fine, really. When I was in foster care everyone had their own duties. Mine was cooking and doing the hard chores. I always did things faster so I did most of the chores. Also wanted a clean environment because...yeah."

I didn't want to get too deep into my past because I didn't like thinking about it. When I did all it did was frustrate me and make me want to find some way to distract myself.

"Darius you are so influential...strong..." He breathed, causing me to chuckle.

"Honestly, I believe from my traumatic experience as a child, I think I unnaturally grew into who I am because I had no one to depend on and someone who believed I was worth it."

"Can you elaborate?"

"Oh it doesn't really matter." I smile, rubbing the back of my neck as I look off. But when I look back at him I was startled by the glare presented at me.

Finding myself flinching at his intense stare and glare right at me. That's the second time he's made this glare, this one I'm unsure about.

I stand, happy to see that at least his plate was empty. Taking it to the sink I walk back to him and pulling his chair back.

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