Chapter 33 [Harry]

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* monday *

"..The story of my life."

The lads and I finished the song, bowing down, while waiting for Clayton and Hallie's feedback. They both gave us a round of applause as we finished rehearsing.

"Boys," Clayton stood up. "That was good. Not yet perfect, but close to it." Hallie smiled. "Same feedback from Clayton," she said. "You guys are alright."

"Well," Clayton said. "Take 5 since we've been rehearsing all morning. You guys deserve it, but I want more energy after the break."

The lads and I dispered as I sat at the end of the stage, wiping my sweat. Louis tossed me a water bottle and I gave him a grateful smile.

I was chugging down the water, feeling replenished when someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" the voice spoke which caused a smile to erupt onto my face.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm guessing it's the most beautiful girl ever."

"Awwee," hands were removed and I turned to see Summer sitting beside me. "That's sweet coming from the most handsome guy ever."

I kissed her cheek as I kept drinking water. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Well," she smiled as she took out a medium-sized container from her bag. "Is it a crime to bring my boyfriend something to eat while he rehearses for the festival?"

"I love you," I smiled, telling her.

"I love you too," she beamed. "I hope you like Mexican. I made you some tamales."

"I love you more," I told her. "I can't believe you actually cooked. The princess cooked something!"

"I'm more than just a pretty face, Harry," she teased. "But I am going to admit, the first 2 trials were burned. Camila had to supervise me this time."

I laughed at the thought of Summer trying to cook. They grew up in a fancy family so it was probably in the back of her mind, to learn how to cook. But here she is, doing this for me.

"NO FAIR!" Niall whined. "Summer brought Harry food. What about us?"

Summer laughed. "Why don't you go ask Alice?" she teased and Niall blushed, 'causing everyone to laugh.

"Just joking," she said as she took out another container from her bag. "Here boys, but you better share."

"YAY!" they all ran and grabbed the container from Summer. "Thanks, Summer."

"Thank you for doing this," I told her. "It really means a lot."

"You're welcome," she smiled. "I love you."

"I love you," I repeated and she chuckled.

"Now, come on," she said. "Eat it. I made it just for you. Imagine waking up at 8 just to cook that."

"I'll eat," I told her. "If you eat with me." She nodded.

I opened the container and took a first bite, then I held it out for her so she could bite it. She nodded in approval, obviously proud of the outcome.

"It's good," I smiled. "I like it."

"I'm glad you do," she chuckled.

We spent the rest of the break eating. The lads gave Summer the container back which was empty under a minute. I finished eating just before Clayton and Hallie called for us to be back.

"I'll see you later," she said. "What about dinner?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "How about my house? I'll cook for you this time."

"That sounds nice," she grinned. "I'll just stay in the lounge while waiting. I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled as Summer exited.

I smiled as I watched where she left, then I turned to see the lads staring at me with amusement glinting in their eyes.

"Someone's in-looovee!" Louis teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Lou," I said.

"I see that you're passed the I Love You stage," Zayn pointed out. "That's wonderful, mate. We're happy for you."

I smiled, thinking about Summer. She loves me, I love her. I've never felt this way before and it was strange in a good way.

"So," Niall started. "I say we order pizza and watch some movies later. Game?" The rest of the lads nodded.

"I can't," I told him. "I'm cooking dinner for me and Summer."

The lads chuckled. "Whipped," Zayn said.

"I'm not whipped!" I snapped. "I'm just happily in-love."

"Lie!" Niall laughed. "You're whipped." I shook my head.

"WHIPPITY WHIPPITY WHIP WHIP," Louis teased and everyone laughed harder.

"Alright, alright," Liam stepped in. "Enough, lads. Let Harry breathe air."

I shot Liam a grateful smile which he returned with a You So Owe Me look. I shrugged and decided to focus on my date with Summer tonight.

I want everything to go write for her. I hope she will like it and she'll have a good time. The last thing I want is to disappoint her.

"What do you think should I make for dinner?" I asked the lads. "And don't you dare call me whipped for me this. I just want everything to go right."

"Fine," Louis huffed. "Harry Edward Styles is not whipped. He's just a 20-year-old boy in-love."

"Still terrible," I sighed. "But better than whipped."

"But it's true," Louis said. "You are so in-love with Summer and it's amazing because you're never like this."

"I hope that's a good thing," I told him.

Louis nodded. "It is," he said. "She seems to be good for you."

"She's the best thing that's ever happened to me," I said without thinking.

"We can tell," Louis said. "We're happy for you."

I am so in-love, and he was right. Summer is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm damn lucky that I was given the chance to be with her.

Summer Beverley Browing was the most perfect in my eyes, not to everyone, but to me and I hope that was enough for her to see how amazing she is.

She deserves the best and I don't want to lose someone like her in my life. I love Summer Beverley Browning.

"So," I asked Louis one more time. "What do you think should I cook for her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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