Chapter 28 [Harry]

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*the next day*


"So," Hallie sat at the head of the meeting table. "Who is who?" The lads and I gathered around the table as we start to discuss about the SOML music video.

"I want my grandparents on the video," Louis blurted out. We all looked at him. "I want their memory to live on," he continued. "And they inspired me so much."

Hallie nodded. "That's beautiful, Louis," she said. "I'll take note of that for your part in the video." Louis smiled slightly. "Next," Hallie said.

"My brother, Greg," Niall told her. "He just got married last year and yeah, he's my only brother. We're close." Hallie nodded. "Alright," she said. "Liam," She turned to the lad beside her.

"If it's alright, Hallie," he smiled slightly. "My whole family. They supported me throughout. They were there, even though my life was not easy."

"Okay," Hallie was writing some stuff on her iPad. She must be brainstorming. "Zayn and Harry? What about yours?"

"Waliyha," Zayn said. "My little sister. I want it to be her." Hallie nodded. "Now," she looked at me. "You're up, Styles. Who's yours?"

"My mom," I smiled as I remembered what Summer and I talked about. "I owe her everything. The support, the love..."

Hallie was scribbling stuff on her iPad as we talked to her. She just kept nodding and grunting, and she kept asking questions about our family. I don't really know. I still have a vague view on the video.

"Alright," she got up from her chair. "'Story of My Life'," she said with her hands up dramatically. "Think of it this way," she went on. "Transition from childhood to now. You and your family..."

" of your life before fame," she continued. "Pictures of you, then and now. A re-enactment of your life and your family before One Direction. What do you guys think?"

We all looked at her then each other. I know Hallie's an actress and all, but she has good and creative ideas. No wonder why she became director. It's a brilliant idea, still vague in my perspective, but it sounds nice.

"It's brilliant," Liam said. "Good," Hallie smirked. "Now, I need lots of baby pictures of you guys. I also need to call Gina to book flights for those family members you mentioned."

"WHOA!", Liam said. "Seriously?" Hallie scoffed and looked at him. "Do I look like I'm joking, Liam?", she asked. "Your family leaves as soon as it's settled. No worries, you fishes. The company's paying for their plane tickets."

Hallie kept talking about the music video after her business call. She asked us about the atmosphere of our homes and stuff.

When it was over, we left. Hallie stayed with her iPad and business plannings. Wow, it's all happening so fast. SOML is in pre-production already.

"Lad," Louis approached me as we piled in the van. "You want to join us for some pizza?" I nodded. "You can bring Summer by the way," he added. "Eleanor's meeting us in Pizza Next Door."

"Okay," I said. I dialed Summer's number when we got in the car. The lads were busy playing around so yeah. Summer answered on the 2nd ring. "Hello?", she said.

"Love," I smiled at the sound of her voice. 'It's me." She chuckled. "Hey," she chirped. "What's up? How was the meeting? Hallie go all bitch already?"

"No," I said. "Meeting went fine. We're starting on the video soon." I could see her nodding on the other line. "Oh," she said. "That's great." I laughed.

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