Chapter 26 [Harry]

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*the next day*

Back to the office. Well, back to work actually. We're here in Syco's sister company, Brown. We're just waiting for Ted and Clayton so the meeting would start.

I'm glad this is happening. I get to follow my dreams, do what I love the most and be with the most amazing people, cast and crew. Thank God for my family and my friends.

"What's wrong with you?", Louis whispered. I turned to face him. "Eh?", I asked. "You're so perky," he said. "What makes you say that?", I asked.

"Well, you cooked breakfast this morning," he pointed out. "And you've been smiling like an idiot the whole time. What's up?" I shrugged. "I don't know," I smirked. "I guess my girlfriend, Summer, just keeps me smiling."

It took Louis quite a time to figure it out but when he did, he squealed like a girl. The lads, Paul and Susan got up and diverted their attention to both of us.

"What?", Liam asked. "HarryandSummerareofficial," Louis said in a fast note. "What?", Liam asked again. "Harry. and. Summer. are. official.", he said in a slow tone. There was a short pause, which made me nervous.

Luckily, the lads cheered after. "WOO!", they were cheering. "WOO!" They kept laughing and talking. It made me smile and think about Summer.

We have lunch plans. It's our first date as a couple. I made her choose the restaurant so yeah. I saw a message from my phone. I guess it's an update from her.

From: Summer, MY girl <3

Haz, I'm sorry. My mom's making me eat lunch with my Spanish tutor. Really sorry. Some other time?

This made my heart sink. I sighed. I wanted to spend time with her, but she has Spanish lessons. Well, I guess we can have our date some other time.

To: Summer, MY girl <3

It's alright, Love. How about tonight? Would you like to have dinner?

From: Summer, MY girl <3

YES. You're the best! I'll text you later. :)

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Liam. He had a smile on his face and he sat beside me. It kind of made me think since he might lecture me about Summer and relationships.

"Hey," he said. "Congratulations." I smiled. "Thanks," I beamed. "I never knew you had it in you," he went on. i laughed. "So it's serious now?", he asked. I nodded. "Summer's different," I told her.

"She's not just a fling or a one-time thing," I said. "I really like her." He nodded. "Just don't break her heart," he said. "I'm saying this not because her family could kill us, but because she's worth it."

This made me look at him. "I can see the way she's changing you," he said. "You're different. Happier. Smitten." I laughed. "So," he concluded. "Long-story-short, Summer has our blessings."

I laughed. "Thanks, mate," I said. I joined them as we celebrated the fact that I have a girlfriend.

We kept on and on, until Ted, Clayton and Hallie came in. We all sat down and the meeting has begun. I don't get why Hallie's here though.

"So," Ted started. "The progress of 'Best Song Ever'," he showed on the screen in front of us. "Excellent," he beamed. "You guys are already booked for the 4th of July concert but while waiting, we need to keep your fans hanging."

"Due to the sucess of 'Best Song Ever'," he continued. "We decided to release another single. Clayton," he turned to his son. "It's your turn to discuss." Ted sat down and Clayton took over.

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