Chapter 32 [Summer]

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*the next day*


I woke up to the sunshine meeting my face. I smiled at myself and tried to get up, but an arm around my waist stopped me.

I was about to scream when I realized that I wasn't alone, when I realize who it was. Harry. My Harry.

I gave up on getting up and turned to face him. He was still wearing his formal party clothes. We must've fallen asleep while talking last night.

I studied his features. His brown curls, cute button nose, plump pink lips, the tattoos on his collarbone. Everything about him was beautiful.

"Summer," he spoke with his eyes closed which surprised me. "I know you're staring." I blushed as his eyes fluttered open. "Morning," he smiled and sat up. "Sorry I fell asleep."

"It's no problem," I said. I glanced at the clock to see that it was 10:37 AM. My parents have already left for their meeting with the head of the 4th of July concert. "Do you wanna have some brunch?"

Harry shrugged. "Sure," he said. "Are your parents okay with that?" I was about to answer when the door slammed open and Hallie walked in.

"Summer," she said, not aware of Harry's presence. "Mom and Dad just left for the meeting and well, I'm leaving for spa with Luz. You can invite Harry over and--- shit."

Hallie was staring at me and Harry with wide eyes. It was so awkward. Knowing Hallie, she'd probably get the wrong idea on why Harry and I are in the same bed.

"Well, well, well," Hallie smirked. "What do we have here?" I felt Harry intertwine his hands with mine as I just stared at my lap.

"Um," Harry laughed. "I just came to check on Summer last night, we were just talking and I guess we both fell asleep.."

"I see," Hallie tried to stifle her laughter. "Anyway, I'm leaving for the spa. Summer, why don't you and Harry head down for brunch with Jeff? Clayton's out and so am I."

She left and closed the door but not a second later, she came back. "By the way," she said. "There's a box of condoms in Clayton's bathroom if you need some!"

"HALLIE!" I shrieked, covering my face. Harry and Hallie were both laughing. "Anyway," she said. "Later bitches!"

I groaned and buried my face onto the pillow while Harry kept laughing. "She embarrasses me sometimes," I sighed. "It's okay, babe," Harry laughed.

"Let me change," I stood up. "Then we can join Jeff for breakfast?" Harry shook his head. "You like fine," he said. "No need to dress up pretty, Summer. You're beautiful even in the morning, still in your pajamas."

I blushed. "You think so?" I asked. Harry chuckled and shook his head again. "I know so, babe," he kissed my forehead. "And I love you for it."

Harry and I went to the dining room and Camila's eyes widened when she saw Harry, but she added another plate onto the table without questioning. Jeff looked at Harry then me with raised eyebrows.

"Jeff," I sighed as Harry and I sat down. "Not a word about this to Mom and Dad. I'll be dead if they find out that Harry spent the night."

"Are you guys boyfriend-girlfriend?" Jeff asked. Harry and I both nodded. "Guh-ross!" Jeff made puking sounds. "BF-GF is so gross! Better stay single!"

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