Chapter 25 [Summer]

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*1 week later*

"It's not funny!", I insisted as Harry laughed. "Yes it is!", he chuckled. "I can't believe you thought the violin was a guitar before!"

I rolled my eyes. "How long will you laugh about this?", I asked. "Till it gets old," he smirked. "which is never!" I sighed and scooted away from him. He just kept laughing at 7-year-old me.

We're just lounging on the couch in my room. My family and friends have work commitments in the industry, while I'm just waiting for college to start. In other words, I have nothing to do for the summer so I called Harry.

Ever since we kissed last week, we've been spending an awful amount of time together but I still don't know what we are.

Yes, we kiss and show affection but I don't wanna assume that I'm his girlfriend. That'll make me look stupid and desperate. He has to make the move.

Right now, our hang-out isn't going well. I showed him my childhood photos. There was one where I treated the violin like a guitar and he's teasing me about it. Not cool.

"Hey," Harry set down the photo album and scooted closer to me. I just scoffed. "Come on," he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry." I gave him a stern look and looked down at my hands.

He gently grabbed my shoulders and made me face him. "I," he said then he kissed my forehead. "Am," he kissed my nose. "Sorry," he kissed my lips which made me giggle. "Forgiven," I mumbled then kissed him back.

He pulled away and smiled. Gaahh, his adorable dimples and beautiful green eyes. I swear, they're so obsessive. I'm glad his mine. Wait, no. I'm not his girlfriend. He isn't mine. I don't know.

"What are we?", I blurted out. Harry suddenly tensed. Crap, wrong move. Suddenly, Harry laughed which made me confused. "Just trust me, Summer," he said. "I like you a lot."

I got the photo album from him and returned it to my memories rack. I turned again, and found Harry looking at my acceptance letter to Madrid University.

I sat beside him and gave him a smile. He smiled back and kept looking at the Madrid University letter with the booklet and stuff. I haven't thought about this. What will I do when I leave?

"When are you leaving?", Harry asked. "At the end of summer," I answered him. He frowned. "Look," I started. "We can make it work. Skype, e-mail, twitter, Facebook, I'm sure you'll be touring so---" 

Harry cut me off with a kiss. He sure knows how to make a girl shut up. I kiss him back and I hope I'm not screwing it up.

"We'll make it work," he agreed. "Skype, e-mail, twitter, Facebook and our world tour." I laughed because of his repitition. Man, this boy is really making me fall for him.

He's different. He's not the womanizer people say he is. Yes, he's cheeky and flirtatious but he's more than that. Once Harry cares about someone, he won't stop. I love it.

The doorbell rang and Harry tensed up again. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He just gave me a half smile. Well finally, the pizza we ordered arrived.

"Pizza's here," I told him. I got up and made my way out, but I realized that Harry wasn't with me. "Are you coming or not?", I asked. "I'll be there," he quickly got up.

I made my way outside and saw  that Camila already set the pizza down on the kitchen counter. Harry was the one who did the talking, but I hope he chose bacon cheeseburger pizza. That's my favorite.

I grabbed 2 glasses and bottle of Coke from the fridge. I also grabbed some plates and set it down on the counter. I opened the box and I gasped. Oh My. Is this really happening?

"You asked me what we were," Harry's voice spoke behind me. "So here it is, Summer. Now, I want to hear what you've got to say."

I wanted to talk, but I was frozen in shock. I never expected myself to open a pizza box and find the phrase, "Will you be my girlfriend, or is this too cheesy?" in it. This is so surreal. Harry Styles is asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Is that a yes?", Harry touched my shoulder. His touch sent shivers to my body so I turned to him for warmth. "Is that a yes?", he repeated as he ruffled my hair.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's a yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." Harry laughed. He carried me out of the blue, and spun me around which made me squeal.

This is it. I'm officially Harry Styles' girlfriend. He's off the market. He's mine. Man, I sound so territorial but I can't help it. I'm so glad, hysterical, whatever.

He set me down and planted a flower kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible. He laughed and said the two words I've been wishing he would say lately.

"You're mine."

// So this is the shortest, but cutest chapter ever! I love it. I'm sorry guys. Ha, ha. Yeah, love you all. <3

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