Chapter 31 [Harry & Summer]

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*4 days later*

"...The story of my life."

The room burst into applause as the screen infront of us went black. We were all getting excited. We just saw the entire music video, and the output of the shoot was really great. Hallie's really good at these things.

Tonight, we were on the top floor of Brown records celebrating the wrap party for SOML. I was kind of happy it wasn't the yacht anymore. There were so much memories there, but Hallie wanted a different kind of wrap party for a change.

Hallie made her way to the stage and grabbed the microphone. Director's Speech Time. "On behalf of the Browning family," she said. "Thank you to everyone here." The room cheered. "SOML wouldn't be possible without each and everyone of you," she continued.

The speech went on and on. The lads were really happy tonight. I mean, I am too but not so much. If only Summer didn't get sick. She couldn't make it to the wrap party since she accidentally got food poisoning last night. It was sad.

" boys," Hallie turned to us. "Your next agenda is the 4th of July concert..." Hallie went on and on with her speech but I wasn't listening. I was too busy thinking about Summer.

After Hallie's speech, everyone started dancing and all. I went to the restroom and took out my phone. My lock screen is a photo of Summer and I smiled as I stared at it. I dialled her number and she answered on the 3rd ring.

"Hello?", her voice sounded groggy. "Babe," I said. "Are you alright?" She coughed on the other line. "Yeah," she said. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Just have fun, okay?" I shook my head even though it was pointless since she wouldn't see me.

"I really want you to be here," I said. "But I understand that you're ill. I just want to make sure you're okay." I heard her giggle. "I'm fine, baby," she said. "I wanted to see the SOML video, but I can't. My doctor said I have to stay at home. Just please have fun."

All of a sudden, a light bulb popped on my head. Wow, Styles, you're getting smart. Summer's ill and she wants to see the video. I beamed at myself on how clever I was.

"Harry?", she called. "Oh!", I snapped out of my thoughts. "Summer, something came up. I'll call you later, okay?" She sighed. "Alright," she said. "Bye!" I hung up.

I smiled at myself and started to think of a plan on what to do for Summer.

# # # # # # #


I've been laying in bed all day. Stupid food poisoning. You made me stay at home. You made me skip the SOML wrap party. You made me miss the video. I swear, when I get better, I'll---

Suddenly, a rock was thrown on my open window and I sorta screamed. Someone's out there. I grabbed my violin and slowly made my way near the window.

"BOO!", Harry jumped out. I shrieked then he laughed. "You idiot!", I hit him. "You scared the living wits out of me!" He laughed harder."A violin babe, seriously?", he said. I rolled my eyes and went back to my bed.

"Awww, babe!", he approached me. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you because you were sick and the party was boring." I looked away from him because his face would make me forgive him.

"Summer, baby girl," he cooed. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you!" I sighed and looked at him. He was pouting. "I forgive you," I said then he cheered.

"Anyway," I scooted a little so he can sit on my bed. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the party." He smirked. "Well," he said. "I figured..." He took out his phone and some earphones.

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