Chapter 15 [Summer]

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I woke and felt the familiair, soft sheets of my bed. How did I end up here? Last thing I remembered, I fell asleep on Harry's shoulder.

How'd I end up here? Who took me here? Where the heck's my violin? I sighed and got up from bed.

"She's awake!" I turned to my side and gasped. All of my friends were watching me. Like seriously, Loraine, Alice, Bob and May. "Um," I said. "Hi?"

"You passed out," May said. I chuckled. "Good to see you, May," I smiled. "How was Africa?" She shook her head. "Later," she said. "How are you?"

"I just fell asleep," I rubbed my eyes. "I have to practice for violin." I was about to get up, but the 4 of them stopped me. "Rest," Bob demanded. I sighed and layed on my bed.

We talked, and these are one of the moments that I loved. Chilling with my best and closest friends, or finding time for each other no matter how busy we get.

Loraine's a model, Alice is a singer, Bob's an actor, May's a doctor-in-training and I'm an aspiring writer. Most of them are always busy.

Ever since graduation, we've been awfully busy. This is the first time we've hung out since. It's a nice feeling, reuniting with your best friends.

"So," I said. "Do you guys have any idea how I ended up here?" Loraine, May and Bob shrugged. "I do," Alice said. "Please enlighten me," I requested.

'You went to Brown Records," she said. "You were exhausted. You met up with Harry Styles." Loraine's head shot up at the mention of his name. Oh, right. I forgot to tell her. "You passed out,"

"Liam called Hallie and Clayton," she continued. "then Clayton carried you home. Harry said you were so exhausted because of violin practice." I was, I have to freak, recital's next week.

"Niall texted me everything," Alice continued. "so I told Loraine, May and Bob. We came to see you to make sure you were alright." I smiled. "Thanks guys," I said.

"Harry Styles?" Loraine asked. Alice nodded. "Summer," she sighed. "Remember what we..." I nodded. "I know, Loraine," I said. "But you know, he's not the jerk the media says he is."

"Uhh, guys," Bob interrupted. "I'll be in the kitchen, eating. I can't relate everytime you girls talk about boys." The 4 of us laughed. "I'll eat too," May chuckled. That leaves me, Alice and Loraine.

"Back to the topic," Loraine said. "Really? Then who is Harry Styles?" I shook my head. "He's a great guy," i said. "I've never met a person who went through so much effort just try and make me accept them as a friend."

"He went through so much trouble just so I'd say yes," I added. "He shared some deep thought with me. He showed me his vulnerable side. He's actually a really nice person. You should meet him sometimes."

"We might him tomorrow night," Alice said. "Your Dad invited us to the 'Best Song Ever' wrap party." I nodded. "That's good," I smiled. "At least I won't be alone then,"

"Well," Loraine said. "If Harry Styles is that kind of person in your point of view then I can't wait to meet him. The way you talk about him.. it's special..."

"Do you like him?" Alice asked. "As a friend," I replied. "Yeah, absolutely." She shook her head. "No," she said. "Like him, like him. More than friends." I never thought of it.

"No," I said. "I feel comfortable around though. He's a cool dude." They laughed.

"The only guys you warmed up on are your Dad, Clayton, Jeff, Bob and Bob's brother, Wallace. Harry must be special," Loraine smirked. I laughed then decided to turn this on Alice.

"Whatever," I shook it off. "What about you, Alice? You just went through the NIALL river." She raised an eyebrow. "What?" she asked. 'Niall Horan's being extra friendly with you," I stated.

Alice shook her head. "He is not!" she denied. "He's being corteous. Helping us write the song we haven't finished yet." Crap, right. Damn that song.

"Don't worry," Alice said. "We'll make time for it, after your recital, when you're free. The album's no rush. It will be done when it's done." I smiled then we all laughed.

"You'll do fine, Summer," Loraine said. "Trust us." I thanked them. "Now rest," she said. "You can practice your violin shiz after the party tomorrow night."

We talked until they left, around night time. I actually felt relaxed. Better. I'll worry about the recital after tomorrow night.

I'm seeing my friends tomorrow. I'm seeing Harry. It's the "Best Song Ever" wrap party. I can't wait.

// Sorry this chapter sucks. it's actually just Summer's friends making her consider the idea of possibly having feelings for Harry. Yeah. Sorry again. :/

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