Tearing Out the Pages

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He doesn't remember anything. I see his hands shake with the paper in his hands. "I knew you took this from me." He said, eye sockets empty. "This is your drawing?" I ask. Was he the one to draw it? Or did someone he know? Or used to know?

"Who's in the drawing?" I ask cautiously, aware of his old violent tendencies. He snaps his head up at me, shoving the mysterious masterpiece into his pocket. "That is none of your business, thief." His words strike me down, but I try to get to him. "Yes, but we are both Sans, wouldn't we both know these people then?" I try to reason with him. I can tell he wasn't going to use any type of civil argumentation.

"You decided to burn these people the second you started destroying universes." He says, anger starting to fire up. I recall that around this time, I had started feeling the same anger and confusion. But my emotions caused me to punch a hole in the wall. And right now, I can tell he isn't planning on aiming his emotions at a wall.

I fires paint at me, and I start to dodge. I push up my glasses and try to send some strings to restrain him. But that only resulted in more fury. He continues to throw attacks, and that is when I try to string up his soul.

But I couldn't find one.

My shocked terror creates a perfect target, and he strikes me in the chest. The paint starts to burn as I see him leave in one of his portals. What just happened. I try to hold my head up as I sit on the floor. A wave of exhaustion hits me up the head. And I hold my colored shirt in my hand, trying to pull the seeping paint off my ribs. My burning chest starts to cool down as my left hand starts burning instead. Hands can be healed, souls can't.

What could have happened? Gaster had his soul, does he still have it? How?

My head starts to hurt and I can hear the echoes of shouts in the hallway. Those monsters are coming. I pull up as much energy as I can and get out of this dimension. Instead I find myself back in the Anti-Void.

I lay on the floor and try to sort this whole thing out. Ink doesn't have a soul, or any memories. The drawing is somehow important to the both of us. And Gaster is still out there even after the reset.

My bones ache as I try to sit up. But my attempts leave me even more tired out. Everything is gone. All of the effort to change, the promises of a better life, all gone. I can feel the stringy tears fall and roll down the sides of my head. I don't know what I can do after all of this. I don't know if I can become an emotionless destroyer again. Especially after having all that hope.

I can't let myself break any more than I already have. Maybe I can talk to Ink like before we went back in time. I could try to explain my situation...again.I have this hope, and all I can do is try to keep it alive.

It seems the only thing that is preventing me from falling apart.

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