A Classic Fail

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I can't find the words to explain. But I try anyway, "I fell." My face obviously shows that I'm lying. And I see that Papyrus assumes the worse. "Did he do it?" He asks, positioning himself into an offensive state. "No! I did." I say, putting my arm in front of Ink, showing that I want no fighting in between the two of them.

"Ink, you have told me enough about Error to know he is not a good guy." Papyrus says, his voice etched in confusion of why I am defending him. "All I need is to speak to Sans." I say, feeling my eye sockets becoming pits of dark emptiness. Papyrus takes a deep breath in and gets off the couch. I'm sure that he wouldn't be like this normally, but it's 3am and I'm sure that effects some things.

I am just relieved that he left to go get him. Maybe we can finally get some help, or at least an explanation. "This is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be." Ink mumbles under his breath. I give a short laugh. "Eh, that makes it the two of us."

Before I can try to come up with somewhat of a game plan, Papyrus walks back in. Following is Sans, wearing his signature jacket and slippers. He looks almost as if he just woke up. But the dark circles under his eyes gave away the fact that he probably wasn't asleep at all. The room is filled with a dark atmosphere, even though echoes of light spread thorough the area.

Sans has his suspicions of why we are here at a time like this, but I'm sure he's not thinking about us swapping bodies. "So, what did you guys break?" He says, putting his hands into his pockets. "We didn't break anything." Ink says, regaining confidence after the initial shock. But Sans eye socket started to glow and Ink's confidence quickly dissipated. "Now who are you to talk." Sans says slowly, even though he may wear slippers, you don't want to be on his bad side. And I'm only on everyone's bad side.

"Sans, we have a predicament." I say, trying to divert his attention from Ink. His flashing eye does not go away, but instead glows brighter. His attention bounces from me to Ink and back to me. His eyes go back in forth rapidly. And when the light in his eye goes out, he directs his next words to Papyrus. "Hey bro, why don't you go get something for our guests to eat." He says, the warmth in his voice is directed to his brother. And only his brother. But when Papyrus left, Sans went back to his interrogating self.

"I can see that you do, and if there needs to be a fight...take it outside." He says, humor absent in his voice. "We don't want to fight." Ink says desperately to him. He knows how this could turn out, if we don't start explaining soon. Only because he will be basing the situation off of preexisting notions. Assumptions that Error's only motivation of anything is destruction. Destruction isn't my motivation, it's what happens if I don't destroy, that compels me.

Sans looks conflicted and directs his attention towards me. "Then why are you here?" He asks,  obviously irritated with the fact that we woke them up. I look at Ink, and he nods for me to answer. He knows that Sans will believe what I'll say. "Um, we'll...I'm not Ink." I hesitantly say, tensing up and waiting for a reaction. "And I'm not stupid, what's actually going on?" He says, not buying what I'm trying to sell. His irritation grows at the same rate as my fear. What if he doesn't believe us? What are we going to do then?

"I'm not Ink, and he's not Error." I try to explain again,but I'm obviously going no where. My desperation is visible on the outside, but to him I only seem crazy. He shakes his head and before he can repeat his question, Ink cuts in. I can still remember the shock on his face when he heard those glitchy words. The words that dragged him into this problem. A problem so deep, you can't even see the bottom.

"Sans, me and Error swapped bodies."

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