House Party

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I don't know why we had to leave immediately. Ink had just grabbed a stack of the original papers and the one with the diagram of the machine. Then, he opened a portal and threatened to leave me if I didn't go that second. I get we need to figure this out, but let me get some chocolate before we leave. Or possibly another option that doesn't include social interaction. As I step into the portal with him, and I bring up an important topic. "What are they going to think when they see you?" I ask him. The split second of going through the portal seems too much of a pause for him, because he spits out his answer immediately.

"Me and Classic are friends." He says as a matter-of-fact. His incompetence makes me pinch the bridge of my nose with my uninjured hand. "Ink, I'm not really friends with Classic." Point out. It takes him a second, but he eventually gets the point when I gesture to myself. "Oh, yeah,"He says, "That may be an issue." He says stopping his march forward. The snow slowly falls down as the lack of light makes it somewhat difficult to navigate through the forest. It's night here and I'm sure that getting visitors this late is not considered normal.

He thinks about it for a second and then continues, "I'm sure he will understand everything when we explain it." I don't buy what he's selling. Pushing a problem aside doesn't make it go away. No plan doesn't equal no problem. I'm just glad it's late at night and no members of Snowdin are approaching me. As we walk through the town streets I can't help but think. I wouldn't even be worried about them accusing me as a destroyer, but what would they do if they thought I was Ink? Ask for my autograph? Invite me for lunch?

My quickly consuming thoughts are halted as we reach the house. Ink looks at me and tells me to go first. Yeah, I'm perfect bait. Bait for curious monsters and awkward small chat. See the only people I really talk to is me, myself, and I.

I knock at the door and hold my breath. Nothing happens, and relief courses through my bones. I sharply turn around to leave. But Ink prevents me from going down the porch stairs. He redirects me to the door and makes it pretty clear I needed to knock again. I knock light enough to pass of as a knock, but it definitely wasn't loud enough for them to hear. I feel Ink's glare burn into the back of my head. And with a sigh, I knock again.

I literally jump when he opens the door. A tired Papyrus greats me, probably because Sans is out cold. Papyrus's face lights with warm welcomes and a hint of wonder. Not wonder as in awe, but wonder as in confusion. "Ink, how nice of you to 3 am." He says not losing that Classic Papyrus confidence. He welcomes me in and all I can do is squeeze out a fake smile and a stiff nod. As I enter the doorway I remember Ink. "Um, I also brought a new friend Papyrus." I say stiffly, turning back around. When he looks at Ink and then back at me I expect a face radiating of joy. But what Ink got for a reaction, would be normally for me. His face is of disbelieve and disgust. "This is no person worthy of friendship." He says to be. But before he slams the door on what would have been my face, I speak up, "Trust me Papyrus, he's fine."

He doesn't like my answer and doesn't believe what I say as true. I wave my hand as Ink would have done as a sign of, 'I will explain.' My soul is still weighed down after what he said about Ink, only because Ink seems so hurt by what he said. I mean, I guess experience is the best teacher.

Ink stays close to me, afraid of what Papyrus might do. And let's just say when we sit on the couch, I don't know where to start explaining. This is what I get when I don't have a plan, I freeze up and shut down. I know for a fact the Error signs would be flying off me. But right now, Ink has enough for the both of us.

Ink holds the papers against his chest and I have my hands folded in my lap. Papyrus sits in the couch adjacent to the one of us and wears an expression of seriousness. "Now why have I just invited the destroyer of worlds into my home?" I tense up because I think the statement is for me. But I pull on the mask and explain, "Well, we have to discuss with Sans. And it was, um, necessary to bring Error along." I say nervously. Papyrus looks weary at me and then Ink. I freeze a smile on my face and hold my breath. Oh please just believe me, I don't know what else to say. My uninjured hand plays with the homemade ace wrap. My soul staggers when he asks his truth revealing question.

"What happened to your hand?"

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