Cutting Ties

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The Creator

I try to resist as best as I could. But the strings are suffocating my mind through my soul.

I hold my shaking hands out, opening the code. I stuff as much power down as I can. I refuse to use anymore than Gaster would be pleased with. But it was a strike of sheer luck that no code was shown at all. I can tell Error wanted to shout with happiness, and so did I. But the monster, Gaster, pulled hard on my souls strings. I lurch forward and almost black out. The only thing to keep me awake were Error's shouts.

Gaster's stare was full of malice. And all Error could do was tell him why his plan won't work. "Even with all of Ink's power, the code isn't accessible in the Void. The Void is outside of the mainstream code." He snickers. Gaster doesn't like being told his plan is a failure, so his response was to choke Error with the strings. But after a bit of his struggling, it stopped.

What could he possibly want with us now? "There is always a way to boost his power...his Determination." He says slowly. I stare up at him with utter fear and disgust. He doesn't have any Determination to inject me with. He wouldn't do that. It would kill me, melt me to nothing.

"You don't have any Determination, Gaster." I lash back quietly. Error turns to look at me with a sense of alarmed relief. I try to silently tell him everything will be okay. Even if I am to weak now to do anything after fighting Gaster's control.

"I know I don't, but you DO." He says, a hand reaching into my pocket. His boney hands pull out the glowing red vial. I shake at the sight of the stolen bottle. I had taken it from the memory, how could that have happened? I struggle backwards, trying desperately to get out of his grasp. "Now Ink, when you go into this new dimension, I need you to pull up the code. From there you will write this sequence." He says demandingly, forcing a piece of paper into my hand. I try to shake it out, but the strings make me ball it into a fist.

"Remember to obey orders. Or else there will be CONSEQUENCES." He says, looking at Error. Gaster holds out the vial of Determination. "Since you didn't bring a syringe with you, we will have to do this the messy way." He says, quite disappointed. He looks as if he wanted to see the red liquid being forced into my soul.

I refuse to watch my soul be infected with Determination and instead look at Error. I look into his eyes, I try to pass hope into those eyes full of despair. I know I had promised him a future. But now I don't know if I can when I am melted, gone. Lost in body and in mind. I pull against the strings and hold my hand out. He returns the gesture and holds my hand. I'm sorry I couldn't get your memories back. I'm sorry I won't be there for you when you finally return home.

I have to squeeze his hand when the vial is smashed against my soul. Determination and shards of glass penetrate the surface and I try not to scream. I channel this power, and I send Error a silent goodbye. With a smile, I am sent into this new dimension.

This place is still full of darkness. I look down into my chest and see that my soul is still not there. I still feel the strings, reminding me that it is still in Gaster's possession. But in this dimension, I know I am out of his control. I open the paper he gave me. It is marked up with symbols of a language that should be destroyed won't the man who speaks it.

I pull up the screen that has the code. But as I do this, I start to see my hand melt. Fear numbs me as I continue onward. I can't go just yet. Numbers and letters greet my face. But so does two other screens. They illuminate another possibility. CONTINUE and RESET.

I am where the human would go to reset. What Determination they have, is melting me alive. My non existent brow deepens as I evaluate my options. I can obey the monster, and give him control over our multiverse so he can create it in his own image. Or I could just return to the Void and melt, with Error in his clutches.

RESET. I could reset this all. I could erase everything and return to the point before Error and I fought in the True Lab. Then we could safely destroy the machine to prevent Gaster from dragging us into the Void.

My hand hovers over the button. But wouldn't I forget everything? I would forget becoming friends with Error. I would forget all about Gaster and his language. I could even risk resetting too far. I could forget my brother.

We could reset, forget, and go through everything again. But the risk is with the possible reward.

I hit the RESET button with a melted fist. I hope that I will awake in the True Lab before all of this happened. Not melted and not controlled.

As this dimension pixelates around me, I continue to feel the waves of pain and Determination.

Dear Error, if I forget, I'm sorry.

Remind me of my promise.

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