Chapter 31: The Royal Children

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"We overheard conversation relating to the famous grand tournament beginning this first autumns evening,"

Rize, the princess of Iridgo, rose from her kneeling posture clutching onto the hems of her silver kimono whilst she kept her head low below the queen's grace, cautious not to disrespect Jeryah.

"Seeing that the four of us will be having dinner about it by nightfall... we just happened to grow curious of whatever other matters are being discussed and couldn't wait any longer."

    The foul ghoul elaborated further, our noses scrunched at the scent of her animosity.

"Your highness," the three of us turned our heads unanimously towards the owner of the voice immediately when they had spoken.

Aratani Akahana, former princess of the Kultem Kingdom, followed Rize's movements as she raised from the throne rooms floor as well; bowing her head far more further than Rize did.

The girls platinum locks of hair swayed with her elegant performance before she began a speech-full delivery to the majesty, "I tried to tell Rize that you were commencing a personalized meeting 'tis evening therefore the area here was restricted for the time being," she held a hand to her chest, bowing further and further—-we thought she'd break her back.

"Failing to heed my warning, she took out the ten guards patrolling the central hall and the remaining five that were standing in front of those throne room doors," Aratani pointed behind herself briefly before continuing, "because of my insolence and lack of action to stop Rize, please do with me what you will for I have scorned you Queen Jeryahnêtūk."

After the Kultem princess's heartfelt confession, Malek and I knew that the girls had probably expected more than a lecture out of the Ries kingdom's ruler.

But Aunt Jeryah was a woman who acted kinder than she looked.

The queen parted from Malek's side, halting at the very feet of the two princesses. She lowered herself to their height and smiled,

"are they dead?"

For a moment, we caught a glimpse of the nefarious Rize falter under the graceful presence of Jeryahnêtūk. Her Tyrian eyes regained its own sense of composure before she shifted her head away from the queen, pouting, "If they couldn't handle a couple of blows to the head that's their problem."

Aunt Jeryah chuckled, "miss madam Kamishiro, you need to learn to be a little more nicer, you know your Rc type is classified as one of the strongest in Edo." She caught a loose strand of Rize's violet hair and tucked it behind her ear gently.

This must've been the first time anyone's ever been this kind to Rize, we weren't surprised to see a pigment of blush coat the ghoul's pale cheeks.

    "Ara," the woman sighed, placing her thumb on the tip of the other princess's chin before lifting her bowing head up carefully.

    A tender smile possessed Aunt Jeryah's beautiful features as she gazed at Aratani, we could hear their subtle skin touching when the queen took the princess's cheek in her right palm.

"Thank you for your honesty, to be loyal and dutiful at such a young age... if anything I should be praising you not punishing you."

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