Chapter 15

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    Sailors roared in protest to what the king was doing, insisting that this was suicide. I wanted to yell out with them, but as a royal maid I decided to follow the kings orders and pray he knew what he was doing.

    "Fall back!" I yelled, forcing the sailors to take steps back until the lot of us were now pressed up against the ships railings. Watching the king disappear behind the immoral ghouls draped in midnight, I clenched my fists waiting for something to happen. Seconds rolled by and in our silence, we could only assume that the king was now dead. The aura of sailors around me screamed to back out of defense mode and start fighting, but the kings words kept on pounding in my head.

"don't get in the way."

    Feeling iron fill in my mouth at how hard I was biting the inside of my cheek, I almost turned against the kings words to commence this war until suddenly something erupted before our eyes.

    Four scarlet legs raised into the air, each piercing a body through the torso. We knew exactly whose kagune that was, but despite that fact we were in too much shock to react. As the king twirled his rinkaku, flinging the kebab of bodies into the ocean, aggression quickly began to rise amongst the enemy ghouls. The royal fighter never falling back once, reigned his kagune down upon the shadows; severed arms tumbled across the swaying ship, legs spilling blood and stomachs gashed open revealing the intricate lacings of intestines and guts.

As chaos unveiled before our eyes, my jaw tightened. Watching the majesty's tired frame swing his kagune in all directions, pools of blood adorned the floorboards of this ship; what was once beauty—-now a war zone.

Taking a step forward I wanted to jump into action and aid the king in his battle but his words seemed to hold onto me like shackles. The sailors, noticing my eagerness, took a step forward with me as if I was their leader and they were waiting on my cue. My attention was grabbed again by the king when I noticed half of the army of ghouls were now laying on the floor,


    Our eyes shot down to the ground as we jumped back at the impact of another ghoul landing by our feet. Taking a closer look, we saw the mangled form of the ghoul as it's cloak was now in shreds. Blood blanketed their body like rich vermillion, it's flesh and facial structure contorted into what we'd describe as a monster.

    Jackson entered my mind once again and I immediately looked away. Seeing the kings panting figure with his back turned to us, now only a few cloaked ghouls were on the ship. With the heap of bodies that were now laid across the vessel in a lifeless atmosphere, we weren't surprised seeing the few ghouls backing away from the king, ready to flee at any moment.

    Seeing the king drop to his knees, I didn't hold back another second as I ran over to him, resting my hand on his blood-stained apparel with caution. "Your majesty." My voice let out a low breath, worry evident in my tone. Sailor men joined me while a few kept a close eye on the ghouls; waiting for them to finally bolt off.

    The kings body shook with exhaustion in my hands. Feeling the vibrations of his form touch me, I found myself leaning more into him, desperate to fix whatever of him that looked so broken. Glancing back up at the remaining ghouls with a glare, it took me a few moments to realize that they weren't leaving.

    The sailors and I gave them plenty of time to retreat, so why are they still here? Alarms going off in my head, I yelled out to the sailors to spread out but before we could take any further action my eyes widened.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat