Chapter 20

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The sailor stared down at me and nodded, showing no emotion. Casting a shadow over me as his tall frame blocked the sun, I could see his pair of green eyes which deepened down to a potent color of ivy that looked darker than my cloak. The males messy brunet hair accounted for the amount of trouble we've recently hustled through and despite his terrifying semblance—-a couple of freckles coated his nose nicely.

Looking away from his dark green hues, I began my walk into the jungle. "Miss," the male finally spoke, sprinting in front of me, "please, don't wander off." I almost laughed at his act of caution but simply smiled instead, "I can handle myself if you haven't noticed already, but thank you... uhh-"


We exchanged blank glances after he voiced his name. "-Thank you Riven." I finished, continuing my walk. He followed soon after, making sure to stand by my side at all times. It was understandable that he was probably merely following the kings orders and paying extra attention to my wellbeing, but I knew that overtime it would just make me uncomfortable and possibly cost his life if he doesn't pay attention to himself too.

"That lady is deranged," Riven started a conversation after we had stepped at least fourteen feet into the jungle. Immediately knowing who he was talking about, I agreed with him, "glad I'm not the only one, the king thinks it's safe enough to play along with her games despite that though."

Silence briefly struck us again allowing another quiet five steps into the wilderness. It also allowed me to take in the beautiful scenery of the jungles massively thick trees and hanging vines. Knee high plants of all kinds eventually began to surround our legs causing us to become more cautious of what could be lurking underneath. "If that's how you feel, than I hope you also realize that this tomb she's sending us into is most definitely loaded with boobytraps and ancient devices that'll probably kill us in more brutal ways than we can imagine."

Riven didn't sugarcoat any of his thoughts and I appreciated that. Of course I knew that retrieving this valuable wasn't going to be easy, the thought of actually dying for it didn't help either.

"The king must be worried-sick right now." Riven whispered, grabbing my attention. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him in great confusion.

The man met gazes with me and let out a steady breath, hardening his stoic expression. "When are you going to realize that the king cares about you?... a lot." Although I didn't want to believe Riven, his cold green eyes explained very well that he wasn't lying. I looked away from him, replying, "when is everybody going to stop saying that? He cares about many people, I'm no one special."

"...So that's why he likes you huh?" The man said aloud more so to himself than me.

A frown overtook my countenance and I shot a glare his way but before anything else could be said, we suddenly reached a small stream bank. Glossy rocks protruded amongst the calm ongoing water accompanied with sticks and leaves too. Looking over at the other side of land that was across from us, I hopped over turning around. "Coming?"
To my surprise—-

Riven wasn't there.

Feeling my muscles tense, I immediately sprung into a guarded stance, calling out, "Riven!" I scanned around the jungle, heaps of green filled my head which only just reminded me of his eyes more. "Riven!!" It was utterly stupid of me to be screaming his name in a woods I've never been through before, but his sudden absence knowing that he was a strong ghoul too, frightened me into a sublime state of shock thinking that if he's actually been taken out; then whatever took him out is coming for me next.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now