Chapter 40

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My threat must've been a joke to her.

"That's sweet (Y/n)," her chest expanded and fell heavily, Kaneki really did a number on her. "But because of one measly guard, looks like your not exactly in tip-top shape."

Grabbing a hold of the non-explosive Ukaku shards which nestled deeply in the king's back, I gripped each one carefully before quickly removing the crystal stones as not to induce any agonizing pain with pulling too slowly.

Of course, a lot of blood would spill and eventually the king would grow cold. I tore some fabric with my teeth, tending to his wounds as I spoke, "I don't need to be in tip-top shape,"

Rize grinned.

Once I finished, I readjusted Kaneki's torso across my lap, his cheek rested on my chest while his body basically sank into mine with the guidance of utter slumber.

"Well," The queen shrugged, gesturing towards the man in my arms, "were you just bluffing or are you going to attack?—-Kaneki is dead weight at this point."

Whenever I placed two fingers beneath his chin, I could still feel his heart, beating at a horrific rate just to keep his system going.

The heart was working hard.

I had to close my eyes for a moment, I had to calm down...

"Just you wait," growling, my gaze never tore from Rize's towering form. The way she hung over us like bugs beneath someone's shoe, it ends now. Festering my cells once more, I attempted at summoning my Rinkaku, but to my surprise-


My shoulders collapsed, nearly every muscle within skin and over bone caved from the inside out. Placing a hand against the wound on my lower back, winces which at most turned into cries of pain, emitted from my trembling frame.

"Aweee," Rize cooed, crossing her arms, "seems the injury is far too close to the area where your usual Rinkaku blooms out of, tearing the flesh up that severely, I'm not surprised you can't summon a kagune at the moment."

'Dammit!' This was not the time for something like this to happen. Kaneki is hurt right now, I need to protect him... I swore I would.

Glancing over to the left side of the throne room where Ayato lay unconscious, my eyes ran over his limp body, how the hair on his head covered his face from view. Rize has done so much to us; she's killed Kaneki's cousin Malek, murdered all our sailor-men...

Suddenly, realization dawned upon me, '...all? What about?-'






As if Thor was dancing, we heard the strikes of an anvil travel outside the halls of the castle before the throne's two double doors bursted open.

A piece of flying debris came hurling towards us. Ducking down to cover Kaneki entirely, I felt the slab of wood dash past overhead before another crash followed; Rize had knocked the debris aside with her Rinkaku.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now