Chapter 10

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The king and I continued our strut down the hallway, confusion still riddling my thoughts.

"So, you're not mad?... or disappointed? I literally dropped the chopsticks right in front of her." I slapped my forehead, still mortified.

"Her intentions were too obvious." He replied, holding his hands together which caused the sleeves of his kimono to droop simultaneously. "All that kingdom wants is yen and economic support."

He stopped walking, turning to me, "but that was quite a terrible scene."

"Hey!" I yelled in offense while still trying to keep my inside voice. I glared at him, watching his kitsune mask as he stared straight back at me.

And then I smelt something. My nose perked, a faint aroma of scents passing by.

  I instinctively leaned towards the king, sniffing. The kings head moved to my peculiar actions as he stared at me questioningly. Leaning in a little too far, I bumped my head into his chest, hesitantly looking up to his kitsune that was looking straight down.

Damn he's tall.

  "You..." I started, embarrassed. " smell like mochi."

  My body burned, a bonfire of mortification manifesting in my bones. The king gently pushed me away from him, walking towards a pair of doors that I didn't realize we were standing by.

  "Perhaps your direction of smell has been misguided." He inquired, sliding the grand doors open with both hands as a flood of light embraced us.

  Scents, smells, aromas of all kind tickled my nostrils. I felt like my hair was rustling against some magic force of incredulity and anticipation.

  My eyes went ablaze, like jewels in a conflagration. Tables of food joined together, connecting all around the vast room.

  A kitchen as large as a mini-kingdom itself stood opened up in the room as chefs and cooks swiftly placed their finished dishes on the tables.

  I ran over, giggling like a child at the eye-candy of food and sweets. A variety of Namagashi, Wagashi, Manju, Monaka, and Mochi decorated the desert section of the kitchen.

  My mouth was salivating. I outstretched my hand, looking both right and left before attempting to seize a small bite.

  "Not so quick." Someone grabbed ahold of my wrist, I looked to my side, frowning.

"A little rodent?" He scowled quietly, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

  I studied his angular face, the sight of his gainly purple eyes that deepened down to a dark tone of midnight blush reminded me of Ayato. His short hair wrapped around his head, it's thick strands emitting a vibrant violet that contrasted from his eyes despite being the same color.

  "I'm not a rodent." I hissed, snatching my hand away.

"Ugh, children." He derided, coiling his tongue back in distaste.

"Is something the matter?"

"Your Majesty!" The man boomed excitedly, bowing beyond the boundaries of fancily as he took off his chef hat to greet the king.

"Pleased with what you see, smell, and taste?"

The majesty nodded, "how could I not when I have the greatest chef in all of Edo?"

The man paused for a second, his hair shading his face from sight.


He swung his body back, outstretching his arms with a massive grin. "You are too kind my ravishing king." He whimpered, feeling quite touched by the compliment.

"Oh my apologies, (Y/n), this is Chef Shuu." The king introduces the over eccentric man, I looked at him and he looked at me.

And then we did a double take.



I knew his face seemed familiar but after a few months at the castle, his image faded. "You look way different than before, you were all calm and physically less outlandish." I implied in shock.

"You look.." he halted, recomposing himself before looking away. "A little less homeless than before."

My eyebrows furrowed, "well your foul tongue hasn't changed at all I can see."

His eyes widened, "Excuse me?!"

"Why is he working in the kitchen, I thought he was just a royal escort?" I turned to the king, asking for an explanation.

The king looked at me, sighing, "oddly enough, all of my escorts fell ill the day you were going to be suspended from prison. To substitute for that, I pulled Tsukiyama away from his usual duty and assigned him to you."

"Hmph, yes, quite a drag if I may say so myself, I almost fainted when I found out I was being pulled from my post to walk around a naughty, nasty mutt from down in the—" He hesitated, gasping, "the prisons."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well I just brought her here to give a tour of the castle, we'll be on our way now." The king explained, placing his hand on my back as he guided me forward delicately.

"I think this will be the best banquet yet!" He yelled back, making sure Tsukiyama got his message.

"I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD MY BEAUTIFUL KING!" Chef Shuu could be heard almost clearly as we exited the kitchen. I slid the doors close, turning around to the majesty expectantly.

"Where to next?"

A/n: short chapter. I was wondering if I should add something else on but decided to just post this for today. Next chapter will be longer promise.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now