Chapter 25

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"Jackson, Kaneki. Kaneki, Jackson."

The little girl motioned her hands between each boy as she introduced the two strangers. It's been a week since the villager child and the Komaji prince became friends, she thought it wouldn't hurt to tell Jackson about him too.

"He's the prince of Komaji and my new friend, so play nice okay?" The girls smile descended into a serious guise at the end of her sentence as she stared at Jackson, waiting for a reply. Of course, any young boy would've been in shock at their childhood best friend suddenly saying that their new playmate was a prince—-at least to Jackson. The village kid didn't exactly know how to react in front of the tiny jet headed boy before him so he simply didn't at all.

With the awkward silence, the eccentric girl could tell that young kaneki was beginning to become uncomfortable and by his past experience; nervous. She didn't want him to feel this way, so she quickly brought up a new conversation, nudging Jackson to snap out of his trance. "Well, it's pretty obvious that I'm the oldest out of all of us since I just turned eight a month ago, now that I think about it... Kaneki how old are you?"

The child's silver eyes glistened with unease before he replied, "five."

"Jeez Jack, he's only a year younger than you!" The girl grinned, nudging him again in a state of light laughter. When the young ghoul didn't show a hint of any type of response, her laughter began to die down and Kaneki grew even more distant in his own mind. This was practically hell for him right now, the five year old was ironically only comfortable with the eight year old who had snuck into his own castle and didn't want to be friends with anyone else.

"(Y/n)," Jackson finally spoke up, glaring at the girl, "what are you doing with the king and queen's son?" He almost gritted his teeth, trying to limit the conversation solely between him and his friend. Obviously, this didn't work seeing how as the young boy overheard, he bolted off, leaving the two children in shock.

"Kaneki!" (Y/n) shouted, her (e/c) eyes wide with surprise. Sharply, she spun around to Jackson, yelling, "I told you to play nice!"

Before Jackson could react, she ran off in Kaneki's direction, never glancing back once. It wasn't hard finding the prince since he only ran a little distance into the woods. The little girl, panting, came to a slow stop by a tree; sticking out from behind the large plant were soft black tufts of hair, (y/n) knew exactly who that was. "Kaneki," she huffed, "it's okay—-you don't have to hide."

Unsurprisingly, the small boy refused to answer let alone move from his spot. Walking around the tree, (y/n) laid her eyes upon a weeping prince. Cautiously, she knelt down on both her knees, hands on her thighs, "I'm sorry, Jack isn't usually like that, he wasn't trying to be rude." The girl's voice ascended and fell in a type of melodic way as she attempted to calm down the child. Being sympathetic wasn't her strong suit, but she would try her best to be a good friend for the lonely prince.

Eventually, the boy raised his head up to the kneeling girl, his rocky eyes damp with tears. Before the two could say anything else, a tiny figure appeared next to the both of them.

"Are you crying?"

Jackson, with his messy caramel hair and honey eyes narrowed, he stared down at Kaneki—-arms crossed. (Y/n) was prepared to defend the prince, finding Jackson out of his place, but before she could commence such an action—-the amber-eyed ghoul sighed, his gaze still on the distraught child, "Your name's Kaneki right? I'm Jackson, I'm six years old." He uncrossed his arms, holding out a hand to the boy,

"It wouldn't hurt to have a friend near my age."

"Just tell me she's okay."

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