Chapter 30: The Royal Children

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I slammed my toes against the wooden boards of the floor.

Tummy full of fingernails and mouth brimming blood; it was anxiety that called my name.

From what I'm able to remember since my awakening, it's been nearly two hours here in the boudoir and I've tried every possible means of escape.

Designated to a specific area of the Queen's sitting room; a maid or two of hers must've stripped me of my traveling clothes into an oversized peasants shirt that reached near my knees—-

Leaving me barefoot with not a foot-wear in sight.

    I pulled my knees up to my chin, wrapping both arms around my chilling frame a look of despondency crossed my face for a brief moment...

As I stared back at a pair of (e/c) eyes tearing by the ripples of the wisteria-petal water beneath my collarbone.

    At shoulder length, this method of craft was meant to serve as a way to check one's reflection; I certainly had no desire to see the bleeding scarlet behind those (e/c) eyes of mine and the deep gash Rize drew across my face before she bit her nail and digested my taste.

    "It still hasn't healed yet..." whispering through the mucus in my throat, my chin dug further in between the crevice of my knees while my fingers plunged around in the puddles of my skin like silver spades.

I continued to hold myself with more tension... a stronger, tighter grip.

    From since I was dragged away from the king's side—-all that ached my mind was his wellbeing and sense of self.

How that demon broke him by his bones and mangled him into something... into someone I couldn't recognize..

"Monster," I mewled.

"...Who me?"

    Immediately, my veins tightened and my neck craned. I watched my eyes transform into a grotesque image of black through the reflection of the petal water, and raised my gaze up towards the woman standing behind me through the corner of my right eye.

    She laughed, tapping the bottom of her jaw,

"it still hasn't healed yet?"

    No words could leave me as the breathing devil tranced her steps over to my side and took a seat across from where I sat statue-still.

    "My oh my," she sighed, placing the palm of her hand on my cheek. For a second, I almost pulled back in utter disbelief at the sense of intimacy but seemed to be fixated in place as we held each other's gaze—-never breaking.

    Her purple eyes portrayed an extravagant canvas of vervain-filled hills and oceans of blood that looked darker than puce stains. Her black eyelashes seemed to subtly reflect the orchid color of her irises as they also looked to portray a vibrant color of violet, like the plum-queen's fluent locks of hair which accrued down her shoulders, past her chest.

    "Lay your kakugans to rest sweetie, clearly I mean you no harm at the moment and I've come to soothe your emotions of uncontrolled anger." She traced the gash, tugging a wince out of me, "you are so enraged I could feel the vehemence radiating off of you..."

Rize revealed her teeth,

My heart stopped.

"And baby it's so foul," she purred past my ear, cheek against mine,

"I'm burning up just sitting next to you."

Pulling away from me, the woman's iron-hold around my throat finally loosened before she released my jaw as well.

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