Ch. 11 | feeling down

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Hey guys, I'm not here to say I'm ending this book or stopping it for good, but I feel really stuck right now and inspiration for writing is barley at my fingertips.

There's nothing bad going on in my life to worry about, and even if there was I wouldn't complain about it knowing that there are many people who have it way worse, so I'm not going to make up excuses, but just being real with you guys, I don't feel like focusing on this book right now.

I'm currently juggling around the works of other books that I've been recently working on right now and I'm trying to get into the habit of writing every day.

King Kaneki is basically the result of me writing a story with as much effort as I can, with me pushing down the feeling of having to make it perfect.

If I plan to make a book perfect, it never gets published. King Kaneki is probably the only second book I've published without deleting it or taking it down,

And because of that, it's definitely not perfect. In fact, it's terrible.

But how else will I grow if I just keep on putting myself down? So that's why I decided to take a risk and vowed to never delete King Kaneki no matter how imperfect or bad it seemed.

Maybe if you guys start sending in ideas or inspiration for me to write, I'll try and continue the book, but for right now I'm just really really stuck.

Please understand, and I do see and acknowledge the readers who read my book and enjoy it.

Thanks for everything guys :D

- lollipopsarecul~

[for now this book may be randomly updated at longer times than usual or even rarely at all].

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