Chapter 18

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    "Here?" Ayato looked to me for an explanation. I locked gazes with him as my grin widened; this is the best news we've had all day—-my determination in actually finding another island was on low hope. But not anymore.

"Look," I nodded my head onwards the barque, taking a step forward. "You see the coastline?" Our eyes glanced over the terrain in awe as our ship neared closer. Upon the crashing waves of the dry land, the ocean seemed to become a lighter hue of blue that made the shoreline glow. Very few palm trees provided shade on the large island, and massive rocks traveled in-between tiny village houses all around the vast area.

My eyes soon noticed the king whom was standing near the deck of the ship. I beckoned Ayato to join me as I ran over to him, a few sailor men were already next to the royal as well. "Looks like a sand village your majesty." One of the sailors mentioned, peering out to the jagged mountains and sunset-orange color of various overlapping rocks. The king nodded in agreement, turning around before landing his eyes upon Ayato and I.

"Feeling better?"

Ayato waited a moment before answering, "...yes your majesty."

I cocked an eyebrow at his behavior, but brushed it off seeing that we were nearing our destination rather quickly. Once we reached the terra firma, the king ordered the sailors to anchor the ship and reassess whatever belongings they still had on them. Still not letting go of Ayato's hand, I patted around my clothes quickly realizing something I should've thought about before.

Feeling an object under the fabric of my cloak, I subconsciously snatched my hand away from Ayato and fetched the item out, opening my palm. "Oh thank goodness," my body almost faltered down to its knees as my tense expression softened into relief. In my hand, was the bronze pendant that Kaneki gifted to me before he left. I decided to take the necklace with me on my trip, but knowing now that I could've possibly lost it to those bandits if I had left it on the ship made me want to somehow send it back home where (d/n) was staying.

"I am never—-letting go of you... never."

Ayato seemed to have noticed my peculiar whispering since he rested a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw the worry that graced his features and immediately straightening myself out. "Ah sorry, it's nothing." My attention soon focused onto the king who was staring at me as well. Even with his mask on, I could feel his eyes on the pendant in my hand and I quickly tucked it back into the pocket of my cloak. "Shall we commence our objective?" I asked hesitantly, praying they'd just forget about my weird and sudden scene.

When they had finally agreed after a few seconds of silence, I suggested that the king order a few sailors to grab whatever packing bags we have left and for the other few to stay here in case of emergency. Grabbing a leather-hide satchel for myself, I hopped off the ship gracing my land in a technical manner so my wound wouldn't be bothered. My eyes widened when I realized that the sand beneath me was in fact a light pink. I scooped up the peach-colored sediment and watched it seep through the parts of my fingers.

"Pretty?" The kings voice questioned as he was now standing next to me. Letting the last of the sand fall back to its original place, I nodded at the king and smiled,


We soon set out into the sand village with a few sailor men by our side and Ayato left behind on the ship so the sailors left there could have some sort of authority with them.

King Kaneki [Kaneki X Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now