Chapter 6

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A/n: This chapter is sooo short, I usually try to right 1,500 - 2,000 words, so I'm sorry for this. It's mainly because I'm losing ideas and inspiration so please help a sista out with comments. Thanks! ;)

"There you go."

The court lady, Fume, fiddled with the laces of my hair tie, taking a step back she smiled, "you look like the finest maiden in all of Edo now!"

I begged to differ with her comment; compared to all the court ladies in Komaji, my hair seemed like a shrub next to theirs which flowed as long as the waterfalls in Ohagi. And the number of gorgeous women that filled this room glowed as bright as goddesses compared to a lowly thief as such as myself.

In the corner of my eye, a glimpse of purple flickered past my peripherals. A girl, or a woman. She was in the corner of the room by herself, I could barely see her face.

"Hey." My hand tugged on the sleeve of Fume's kimono. "Who's that?"

She looked up, turning her head to where I was pointing. For a second I could have sworn I saw her green eyes waver, the usually happy demeanor she carried around suddenly dropped.

"Oh, her." She spoke, tremulous, "I want to talk to her, really, but she's just." The court lady looked at the ground, strands of blonde adorning her high cheeks. "She's better left alone."

My eyebrows arched. I looked back at the purpled haired woman, and she was staring right back.

My throat went fizzy, veins pulsing. The woman glared at me, her small lips lined thick solemn, mauve eyes dripping dark dour. It looked like thirst, for something more than blood.

"It's starting now, let's go." My attention was driven away when Fume grabbed my hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen,"

"Court ladies and court men,"

"I appreciate your presence here,"

"To welcome back the men in war who have slaughtered for this kingdom,"

"And our very lives."

Clapping, cheers, joy, it erupted from the throne room in hot excitement as a flood of knights had entered.

Their bloodied armor suited them well, the rich, red stains screamed pride and victory. I knew that Komaji was the biggest and strongest military in all of Edo, I should have known they were the cockiest too.

"Nishiki!" Fume launched up with the power of a rabbit before jumping into a man's arms. With wide eyes, I watched them hug, expecting an explanation.

After pulling away, Fume walked up to me, patting my back, "Nishiki, this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is Nishiki..."

"My brother."

'Uhh, what?' I nearly said it out loud.

They barely looked alike, but I could see similarities.

Nishiki smiled at me, leaning down to match my height. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n)."

Alright, he's already pissed me off.

"What do I look like to you, a child?"

"Woah woah." His modulated voice thrilled in a pleasantly fine tone.

The man stood up straight, his thick, honey locks hung over his bitter, orange eyes that pierced like citrus. "You're a fierce one. I don't think I've ever met a court lady as unmannerly as you." He jested, Fume's giggling only furthered my irritation.

"Oh, I can show you something worse than unmannerly—-"

"I never said I didn't like it."

The frown on my face deepened, more so with confusion than anger.

Nishiki turned to his sister, chin upright and shoulders broad. "Hey Fume, I don't think you have to worry about me getting married off anymore."

My lips went ajar, my eyes the widest I've felt them widen, my fist was about to strike until an interruption occurred.

"If I could regain your attention please."

That voice.

The king had finally arrived, the ghoul who had announced the welcome back ceremony quickly scrambled away from the throne, letting the king take his rightful place.

"It's sad to have to bring bad news to Komaji after such good news. But the matter that is affecting us right now puts our lives on a cliff."

Blue hair surfaced the crowd, Ayato's unsteady face coming into view as he stood beside the king.

"Assassins have broken into our base."


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