Chapter 37: I need you

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"What's on your mind sweetheart?"

James put down his book and took his glasses off before glancing up at me with a childish grin.

"Nothing, just thinking".

"Dangerous thoughts?"

Ha you have no idea.

I huffed loudly and collapsed on the sofa falling next to James. I blew some of my hair out of my face and stared up at James who was smirking menacingly at me before subtly licking his lips.

"I'm having thoughts". James' face suddenly paled and the smirk had vanished.

"Second thoughts about us?" His voice quietened as if he thought I was going to leave him. But that would never happen. I would never leave him. I never want to. The only way we would separate is through death.

"Oh gosh, no. I love you James and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it's just, I, I Erm think I'm ready".

James tilted his head at me almost simultaneously as Max who was scratching at the floor wanting someone to play with. The sight was too adorable. James stared at me with a blank expression and confusion swarmed his eyes. How could he not know what I was on about?

"I'm ready and I want it" I repeated, my cheeks reddening as James once again refused to catch on.

"What is it that you want?" James mumbled sitting himself up on the sofa as he took a sip of his water bottle.

"I want you to make love to me".

James suddenly sputtered on his water and choked profusely as he tried to swallow it down.

Oh no. Did he not want to do that with me? What if another girl satisfied him after I left him?

"Oh my god I'm sorry it was stupid of me to ask. I'll make a start on dinner"-

James carefully placed his water bottle down and tackled me down on the sofa making a small scream escape my mouth. Max started growling and bound over to James and bit down on his shoe in attempts to protect his owner from his other owner.

"Are you serious? Is this what you want?" James grabbed my hands and pinned them both above my head as he stared down at me like a predator would with its prey.

His stare turned me on so much that my body began to tremble under his predatory aura and delicious cologne filled my senses.

"Y-Yes. I love you and want this so much. You've had restraint for so long and now I want  to have it all with you". James suddenly stared down at my body as if he was deep in thought.

"H-have you been with another girl during the 7 months I left you?" Judging from the way he was acting I feared he had been with another woman. Was he feeling regret? I couldn't blame him, after all it was me who left him, but the idea of him with another woman hurt me.

James pulled away from my body and stared into my eyes. He smiled softly and stroked my cheek.

"No baby. I haven't. I could never. The idea of being with another woman that wasn't you made me feel sick. I only have eyes for you. My body only belongs to you. But sweetheart, are you sure? We don't have to rush. We can take our time"-

Broken Memories (Sequel to STBHP) UNDER MAJOR RECONSTRUCTION Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin