She looks up to see Julie exchanging money with a small muscular looking guy. She hid and watch them in conversation till Julie looked around her and leaves.

Stiles hurriedly pays for her items and exists the store. There was no sign of Julie, she frowns Julie had to take the boys to school. It was impossible for her to reach the restaurant before she did. So who the hell is that Stiles wonders.

She's still deep in thought when Julie pulls up in her car, "Still have that sweet tooth I see".

"Yeah", Stiles forgotten about the chocolate she was eating.

"Hey Jules are you an only child?"

"No I'm got a younger brother why're you asking?"

"Just curious lets make a start on cleaning up. Erica should be here in a bit".

Julie laughs do you think I could have one of those twixt?"

"Actually I have an unopened one here", Stiles go in her shopping bag and takes the candy out and gives her.


They look around the restaurant it was clean except for dirty glasses on the counter. And the dirty plates in the sink. 

"This is a surprise people must have cleaned up some yesterday, I really love the people in this town. They're so nice".

"You've lived where I'm moving to right Stiles. Is everyone as friendly to each other as here. Is the community feeling there too?"

"I never experienced that but as Alpha's Mate your job is to be the heart of the pack. There are lots of ways to to bring a pack and town closer.

Pack activities, town picnic's making sure you know every family that's rooted in that town history. Most importantly asking about those that are sick. People shown up to defend the town yesterday without being asked to. They won't currently do that in Bakersfield".

"Do you think I have what it takes to be Alpha's Mate Stiles?"

"The only thing that would stop you from being a good one is you. Believe in your abilities. You're the wife of a previous second you know pack policy use that to your advantage. If people smell weakness they will pounce".

Stiles goes in the back and starts the dishwasher. They were almost finish cleaning the kitchen when Erica and the other staff shows up. Stiles and Julie give them their apron, "Excellent I could do with a break".

"Erica start setting up the tablets for service, "Let the chefs and pot washers take over in the kitchen", says Julie.

Stiles was surprised to see Erica obeyed seeing she was the manager and Julie was under her.

Stiles was surprised to see Derek when she got home. Peter was still in his new town. He kisses her hello, "You and I need to speak to mum. Dad called uncle Peter about a confession from Tim".

They decide to ask Talia if she wanted to go to the park she happily agrees to go, "Your father tells me Derek that hunters are regrouping. They're no longer happy to be bounty hunters but want to instil fear of the supernatural".

"Those same hunters are classified according to alpha, beta, and omega status. That makes no sense why now?"

"There was a story I remember my mother telling me that centuries ago. A group of people wanted to be top of the totem pole. They decided the easiest way to do that was to give the people in their small town something to fear.

They then started poisoning the strongest people in the village. To make the weaker ones easier to destroy or control. But one of their own was a traitor and sold this information saving countless lives.

The people who wanted to destroy the supernatural called themselves hunters. So mother nature decided everyone would be classified into three groups whether human or not.

And should this group rise again someone from that group will always rat them out. Thus preventing mass murder from occurring. The betrayal will all take place in one night in every city that would be damaged".

"I wonder if that's true", wonders Derek.

"As it happened I've had calls from four packs neighbouring ours. Who were told the same thing David told me today. Peter is staying in Bakersfield for the foreseeable future. It's too dangerous to not have the Alpha there. He was told the same thing from his town sheriff today as well".

"The hunts have been busy", says Derek.

"Grams just said a magical person was killed by every hunter. They hunted last night, They and the other three courts are keeping abreast of what's going on".

"It would seem war is coming and we need to prevent it. There can't be a meet up of the Alphas either. We need to be physically home to protect our different towns", Talia sights. "I  need a second what do you say to Erica Boyd".

"She's an excellent choice mum may I suggest Cora. As the new enforcer of the combined Hale pact".

"I'll agree to Cora if you agree to Erica" counters Talia.

"Done, Stiles what do you think?" Ask Derek.

"Good choices both of them. I think if we find out who the person co-ordinating the hunters are. We will have our answer to why now. I saw something weird today. I left Julie at the house and drove to Gino's.

Yet some how she got to town before me despite having to drop the kids off at school.  She doesn't have a sister I checked just a brother and by check. I mean I went and check medical records online".

"That is suspect your journey would have been half on hour tops. Hers should've taken well over an hour twenty minutes", says Derek.

"I take it since Peter has to stay there now he's picked a house?" Ask Talia.

"He chose the ten bedroom one, the realtor is allowing him to move in before the sale has gone through. The towns sheriff came to see us in the house. He needed to speak to Peter urgently.

The bank knows our family is good for the money. He said to tell you to pop in at the house for five. He'll make sure it's emptied of other people so you can ward it up like forty Knoxs.

It would seem something fishy is going on, what do you guys think?

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