A Fairy Tale Like No Other - Nine

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Ninth Chapter

The Prince’s Birthday


            It was the news the next morning.

            Georgina and Harriet disappeared from school after they had placed in their letters stating that they were dropping out of school on the headmaster’s desk first thing in the morning. The reasons behind were unknown.

            Jermaine was requested by the headmaster upon the matter, but the dropping out of the two was unknown to Jermaine. Finding that there is no more to discuss upon the matter, the headmaster dismissed the matter at once.

            Nathan didn’t agree with the headmaster.

            “There is something fishy about it all,” Nathan was speculating. “There must be a reason why those two just disappeared.”

            Kate agreed with him.

            “It was a surprise that Jermaine didn’t know,” Kate added to Nathan’s thoughts. “I suppose, being Jermaine, she could’ve made it up, but… there is always a benefit of the doubt.”

            Diane’s feeling of foreboding was there again. It kept on bothering her every time there is something new about Jermaine and her goons. Her mind does agree with Nathan and Kate, but at the back of her mind, it wasn’t just “fishy” as Nathan had put it. it was something more scary than that.

            More to the matter, Jermaine seemed to veer off her way when Diane walks into a hallway or corridor. She’s as cold to her as usual, but she never did her stalking that much. She just turns the opposite was whenever she comes within her line of vision.

            Troy seemed untroubled by the news.

            “Please, relax,” Troy was trying to appease her. “She couldn’t bother you much now that her goons are gone, now, can’t she? And besides, she steers clear when you come within ten feet of her.”

            Diane seemed unconvinced, but she dropped it for now, for she had more pressing matters to attend to.

            The month of September passed uneventfully after Georgina’s and Harriet’s dropping out, and it was now the first day of October.

            That first day of the month was the day she received the most horrible news ever.

            “So, what are you getting for Troy’s birthday?” Nathan asked casually one afternoon.

            Diane stared at him. “Birthday?” She asked, her brow knotting in confusion.

            “Yeah, Troy’s birthday,” Nathan continued to sound casual. “It’s on the eleventh.”

            Her eyes slid out of focus.

            Troy’s birthday. Of all the things she just have to not know, she had to choose Troy’s birthday! How stupid of her!

            Diane quickly opened her wallet to see how much money she has. She only had one hundred pounds. Her heart sank.

            Fretting uncontrollably, she went around the school to find Kate. She was just coming out of the ballet studio.

            Diane grabbed Kate’s arm and pulled her into an empty classroom. Kate was irritated.

            “What has gotten into you?!” She hissed.

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