Bring Him Home

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In hindsight, they should have planned better. But Washington gave them no choice. Well, no choice that Alexander liked, anyway. In any case, Alexander had made up his mind. In a few sentences he had convinced his team to go on a mission that disobeyed direct orders.

John had been the first to volunteer. Hercules and Peggy soon followed after. Alexander informed Eliza of his plan, but she thought it was best if she didn't go, as Angelica would get suspicious. With her help, they were able to track Lafayette's logged whereabouts via a confidential tracking system they used for double agents. 

 After that, the plan was simple. Get in, get Laf, get out. And wreac havoc while doing it. 

"I cannot guarantee your safety for any of you. If we go in, we have to be quiet and quick. Do you all know your jobs?" Alexander asked. 

His three person strike team nodded. 

"Anything for Laf." Peggy said. There was no fear in her eyes. 

A true Schuyler. 

They thought the plan had been thought out well. They were wrong. They entered the base so eagerly that they set off a very avoidable trap. The base went into lockdown mode, doors around them closing any entrances or exits.  The  group of four was split into two. Hercules and Peggy were trapped on one side of the door while Alexander and Laurens were stuck on the other. Sirens began to ring throughout the corridor. John and Alexander looked at each other in worry. 

"So much for a quiet mission." John said as he pulled his gun out and covered Alexander, making sure no one could possibly hurt him. 

Alexander banged on the iron door frantically, fearing the worst. 

"Peggy! Herc! Are you two alright?" He shouted. 

"We're fine, Alex" Peggy said reassuringly, "We'll find a way out. Just go!" 

Hercules muttered through the iron door. "Get Laf, bring him home to me."

Alexander nodded and turned towards the empty hallway ahead. 

"Alex," John began, his eyes were focused on the corridor but his voice was soft, "You ready?" 

"As I'll ever be." Alexander said, looking his best friend in the eyes. "You don't have to follow me, you know. " 

"Are you kidding?" John said, slightly amused, "I'd follow you anywhere." 

Alexander smiled, his chest growing warm. Even when he had nothing, he had John. His ears began to burn. 


"Right," he said, pulling his gun out, "Let's bring Laf home." 


"Stop, you need to rest." 

"We...need to... keep going..."

"If we go much longer I'll be bringing back a corpse. Rest." 

Thomas shifted his weight and gently laid Lafayette down in an empty corridor where they wouldn't be spotted. Lafayette whimpered in pain as his back hit the wall. Thomas turned to look at him, confused. Lafayette answered his unasked question. 

"The...the b-burns..." he croaked. 

Thomas nodded guiltily. He watched it happen. The burns on Lafayette's back would leave scars. Thomas sat down next to the wounded Frenchman and gave him a canteen. Lafayette drank feebly. 

"You know," Thomas began, "I didn't want to-" 

"I know." Lafayette cut in, his eyes understanding. "You were...doing your job... mon ami." 

Thomas smiled slightly. The moment didn't last. 

The corridor was suddenly filled with the sounds of a siren. Both men (attempted) to scramble to their feet. Thomas put Lafayette's arm around his shoulders, holding the frail man's weight while reaching for his gun. 

"Is that us?" Lafayette asked hoarsely. 

"No," Thomas said, looking around for any danger, "Madison is making sure no one sees us on the monitors, this isn't apart of our plan. One more thing I have to add to my to-do list." 

Thomas cocked his gun while Lafayette looked confused, his expression dazed. He's losing a lot of blood. 

"One more thing?" Laf asked, his words slightly slurred. 

Thomas nodded, "Now I have to protect you from the King's Men and these intruders." 

"Okay..." Lafayette slurred, his head nodding slightly. 

"Come on," Thomas said, his gun at the ready. 

"Let's get you home." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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