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Hamilton had been sitting in the break room drinking coffee, trying to get his mind off of the incident when Jefferson had walked in. He had began to leave when Jefferson had caught his attention. "I'm sorry." Alexander stared at Jefferson in disbelief. "What?!" 

Jefferson looked down at his shoes, and sighed. "You heard me, I'm sorry." 

Hamilton was dumbfounded. "You, apologizing to me?" 

Jefferson gave an annoyed sigh. "Yes, it's not that hard to believe." 

Hamilton gave a heartless laugh, "Oh yes it is! You, Thomas fucking Jefferson. Mr. Perfect, Mr. Holier than thou is apologizing. This is a treat." 

Jefferson rolled his eyes, becoming even more annoyed. "Are you going to accept my apology or not?" 

"Why should I?" 

"Because I'm being considerate enough to apologize." 

"Why? You'll never see me again anyway, what's it to you?"

A soft voice spoke from the corner. "That's not nessecarily true..." 

Both men turned and, to their surprise, saw a woman. 

"Eliza?" Alexander said, "How long have you been in here?" 

Eliza looked embarrassed. "The whole time..." 

She had been sitting at the table when Jefferson had come in and apologized. She wanted to leave unnoticed, but by the time that she had stood up quietly, they were already too deep in conversation to be disturbed. The only exit was by Jefferson anyway. 

Jefferson scowled at Eliza, embarrassed that she heard everything. "You should have made your present known." He spat. 

Eliza's ears burned as she looked down at her shoes. 

"HEY." Hamilton shouted, making both Eliza and Jefferson jump. "Never talk to her like that." Hamilton was serious. Jefferson raised his hands up in surrender. 

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry Miss Schuyler."

Eliza looked up, ears still burning. "It's ok." 

A ringtone pierced the awkward silence in the room. Eliza looked down at her watch, which was where the ringing came from, and pressed the screen. A blueish white holographic image of Angelica popped up, showing her from the neck up. 

"Eliza." The metallic voice stated. 

"Yes Angelica?" 

"Washington had been trying to find you. Your break was 20 minutes ago and you haven't been answering your phone. You ok?" 

"I'm fine Angie," Eliza shot a look over at Alexander and Jefferson, both silent, " I was....occupied." 

"Well, you'd better get up here, Washington misses his secretary. And, bring Hamilton and Jefferson. They have to lead the case together." 

"Ok Angie. I'll be there soon." 

"Angelica out." 

The picture faded away, leaving a silence in the room. Hamilton and Jefferson looked at each other in horror. 

"Wait," Jefferson said. "Did she just say, we had to do the case..." 


Diametrically Opposed (Hamilton Agent AU)Where stories live. Discover now