We Fall Apart

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A week had passed by, and the agency was still recieiving backlash from the mission that went wrong. Washington was trying to calm his superiors and figure out a way to apologize to the public. Everyone was still shaken up, trying to grasp what had occured. The Schuyler sisters had yet to keep their eyes off of Peggy, still feeling guilty for sending her on such a dangerous mission. All of them sat in the infirmary, surrounding Hercules' bed. He had woken up and recovered quickly, John said he should be up and running by the end of the week. Hercules and Lafayette sat together on the bed, holding each others hand. They had been inseperable since the accident. John was checking up on Hercules, making sure his vitals were stable and whatnot. The Schuylers sat around the bed, discussing what had happened. All of them were still facing the hard truth that Hamilton had gotten fired.  Everyone had a side. 

"All I'm saying is that Alexander shouldn't have abandoned Ambassador Jefferson, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything that Washington said." said Angelica. 

"Angelica, please. He only did that to save our lives. If he had stayed, we would have died. Probably." Peggy was protective of Hamilton's actions, she did feel indebted to him, after all. "Before we left, what did he say? Hm? That he'd protect me. He promised. He didn't break his word. Does that mean nothing to you?" 

"It does mean something, and I'm glad that your safe, but Alexander should have acessed the situation properly before-" 

"Before what?" Peggy shot back, clearly angry, "Before saving my life, before saving Laf and Herc's lives? Hamilton got us out of that car before it exploded, he saved the ambassador from being incinerated, he got Hercules out from under that motorcycle, he distracted the men who attempted to assassinate and kill all of us, and he almost died from strangulation. What more do you want?" 

John chimed in, "Angelica it's true, if Hercules had been pinned down under that motorcycle any longer, his leg could have seriously been damaged. It would have been a long term injury." 

"Of course you would defend him." Angelica challenged. 

John's face darkened. "What's that supposed to mean?" His voice had a dangerous tone. 

Angelica continued, not backing down. "What I mean, is that if you weren't his best friend, you wouldn't take his side." John visibly stiffened. John rarely got angry, but when it did happen, you didn't want to be on the receiving end. Eliza stiffened as well. She knew her sister, and Angelica wouldn't stop until she won. Lafayette rested his hand on John's back, warning him. John looked back at Lafayette and turned away from Angelica, silent. 

"Now you have nothing to say?" Angelica challenged once more. 

Eliza tried to calm her sister down. "Angelica-" 

"No." Interrupted her sister, "No, no. I want to hear what he has to say. Go ahead John, contradict me. You can defend him all you want, but you know the truth. Alexander shouldn't have abandoned Jefferson." 

John turned around, his eyes aflame. Lafayette jumped up, grabbing John's arm. 

"John, don't." Lafayette muttered. 

But it wasn't John who stood up for Hamilton. It was Peggy. 

"Angelica. How DARE you! That man risked his life for us three days ago. He was the reason why we're still here today. He's stubborn, and an asshole, yes, but he is brave, and caring, and we are the only he has DAMMIT. And, and if you can't appreciate what he did, then how can you call him your friend?" Peggy was shouting by now, and all the nurses were staring. Both the sisters were standing, staring daggers at each other. Eliza stood between the two, her voice ice cold. 

"You two, drop it. Right. Now. People are staring." 

Angelica stared at her sister before speeding out of the room. Eliza sighed. "She's gonna raise hell. I'll be back." 

Peggy sat down. John laughed. "Wow, Peg, I didn't know you had that in you..." Peggy looked up and blushed. 

"It was nothing," she said, "It's just Angelica. I think I'm the only one who isn't afraid of Angelica when she's angry." 

"Well, even if you were scared or not, it was brilliant." John smiled.

"Thanks." she stood to leave, "I'm going to get some 'cooling myself down coffee', want to come with me?" 

John nodded, "Sure, I should take a break anyway." he turned towards Lafayette and Herc, "You coming Laf?" 

Lafayette shook his head, "No thank you mon ami. I must do something first." 

John and Peggy nodded and left the infirmary, leaving only Hercules and Lafayette. 

"Go," said Hercules, placing his hand on top of Lafayette's. "I'll be here after." 

Lafayette nodded, gave Hercules a quick peck on the cheek, and turned to leave. He knew what he had to do. 

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