The Mission

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Alexander didn't see the ambassador. He went to check in with Hercules at the airport to see if his part of the mission went smoothly. That was Laf's idea. He wanted Peggy to be up close and personal for her first mission, and Laf had insisted that he stay and greet the ambassador. The one thing that stuck out when it came to Lafayette and Mulligan was that they did the best for each other. They were in love, yes, but they refused to see each other during a mission unless it was apart of the plan. Laf claimed that he wanted to focus on the mission, and that they had both decided that it was the right thing to do. That was their protocol, and they always followed it. It was usually Laurens that would check up with both of them and tell the other that things were running smoothly, but today, that was Alexander's job. Alexander heard a voice come in through his ear com. 

"Alexander, do you copy?" 

It was Laurens. 

"I copy." 

"Status update." 

Alexander turned to see Hercules mounting his motorcycle. He turned to face Alexander and gave him a thumbs up. Alexander nodded. 

"Mulligan has the flash drive. The ambassador is on his way. We should be done shortly." 

"Good. Keep an eye out. The ambassador has information that others would kill for. Literally. Just get back ASAP." 

"Roger that. Hamilton out." 

Alexander began walking back towards the car, seeing Lafayette close the car door. The ambassador. Good, we're close to getting back. I have to finish my work. He walked over and opened the door, seeing Laf and Peggy sitting in the car, waiting. 

"There you are, mon ami. How is mi amour?" Lafayette said. 

"Good. He got what he needed. He'll start heading back soon." Alexander looked around. "The ambassador?" 

"He's in the very back!" Peggy said, "I thought he might want some privacy. He has been on a flight for 9 hours, he probably needs some quiet time." 

Alexander laughed. "I guess." Always so considerate. 

The car had been moving for a while now, and Peggy was,once again, getting restless. 

"I wish we could have gotten a bit more action. Don't get me wrong, I love being apart of a mission, but-" 

"You want to fight." Alexander said. 

"Yeah," said Peggy, "How did you know?" 

"Because," Lafayette began, " Alexander has wanted to fight ever since he joined the agency. But Washington-" 

"Washington wants me to write, not fight. He says I shouldn't throw my talent away, but if he just gave me a chance..." 

"But you're his right hand man," Peggy said, "That's a good place to be." 

Lafayette nodded in agreement. "She is right mon ami, do you know how many people would kill to be in your place? Why Aaron Burr would-" 

"Aaron Burr is a coward who is too indecisive." Alexander became a bit heated when it came to Burr. He didn't hate him, no. But there was something about Burr. " He's too afraid of how others think-"

He was interrupted by something crashing against the side of the car. There was a loud, metallic scraping sound. All three looked up in confusion. 

"What the hell was that?" Peggy said. 

"I have no idea." Alexander answered. 

The car stopped abruptly, jerking the agents forward forcefully. 

Alexander felt his neck whip forward as a hot pain crept up it. Shit, whiplash. He adjusted his neck. Not too bad, I should be fine. 

Lafayette looked up, his eyes scanning the other two. "Is everyone ok?" 

"I'm fine" Peggy said, a bit shaken. 

"I'll check on the driver." Alexander said, getting out of the car. He walked up towards the window and peered into the driver's seat. His blood ran cold. The driver had a bullet through his head. This mission became a lot more dangerous than he thought.  Alexander felt ice cold fear pulse through his veins. They weren't safe after all. That's when he saw a black van racing towards the car, on the wrong side of the road. Peggy and Laf. Alexander ran towards the back car as fast as he could, turning on his com.

"Peggy, Laf, GET OUT OF THERE."

He opened the door to the back, seeing his friends look at him confused.

"What's going on Alex?" Peggy asked. The van was getting closer. Alexander grabbed his friends and pulled them out of the car.

"No time to explain, GO!" He screamed. He started running away from the car, dragging his friends with him. Lafayette wrenched his wrist away from Alexander's hand.

"Hamilton," he said urgently, "The ambassador."

Alexander looked back at the car in horror. The mission. He gave Lafayette Peggy's hand and pushed them away.

"I'll be back." He started running faster towards the car, seeing the van getting closer than before. You're going to make it, keep running. He wasn't so sure though. He yanked the back door open and grabbed the confused man's hand, pulling him away from the backseat. The van was closer than before, and he saw men in black abandoning the vehicle. He looked over his shoulder and saw that one had a remote in his hand. A bomb.

"RUN." Alexander screamed, still holding the man's hand as the raced away from the car. Too late. The two vehicles made contact. Alexander wrapped himself around the ambassador, ready to take the flying debris. The two cars smashed together, creating a loud explosion. Alexander felt the heat slice at his back and he and the ambassador tumbled together on the pavement, Alexander still holding onto the ambassador. He was on top of the ambassador, gripping the man's fuscia shirt and sheilding him from debris. He opened his eyes and looked down. He locked eyes with a pair of dark brown ones, matching the man's skin. He had wild coily hair strewn about. It was obvious that he was startled. Both of them were. They lay still for a second, catching their breath before the ambassador spoke.

"What did I miss?" 

Diametrically Opposed (Hamilton Agent AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon