Look at the Bright Side

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"He wants us to work on the case TOGETHER." Hamilton put emphasis the word together. "My case. The case I've been working on for months. Months. No, no way, there is no way I'm sharing my case with him." Eliza was sitting on the couch listening intently, nodding her head every now and again. Peggy was sitting on the top of the couch, braiding Alexander's hair, as she often did when she was bored. Hercules, now on a crutch was making coffee for all four of them. 

"I know you don't want to Alexander, but Washington said you have to. You can't disobey direct orders." Eliza said in a soothing voice. 

"But Jefferson," Alexander turned his head towards her before being scolded by Peggy for moving during mid-braid, "Jefferson. I don't think you understand how much I hate him." 

Hercules laughed,bringing over the coffee pot, pouring some in everyone's cup. "Hamilton, you've only known the guy for four days, he can't be that bad." 

Hamilton sat forward, much to Peggy's dismay, accepting Hercules' challenge, "Oh, let's think back, shall we?" 

Everyone sat back and groaned. 

"Not the 'shall we?'." Eliza moaned

"Great job, Herc." Peggy said, her voice playful. Hercules gave a playful shrug. 

"First, I almost got blown up. Second, he wouldn't listen and never kept his damn head down, making my job a whole lot harder than it should have been. Third, I got fired because of it. Fourth, he refused to say thank you afterward, and fifth, he insulted my mother after he refused to say thank you. I think it's safe to say I have earned the right to hate him. And another thing-" 

"Ok, ok, we get it Alex, you hate the guy." Peggy had gone back to braiding his hair, "Now keep still, you move your head a lot when you're angry." 

"Peggy.."her sister warned, embarrassed. 

"What?" Peggy said, laughing, "Better he hear it from me than someone else." Everyone laughed, Peggy had succeeded in lightening the mood. Alexander sighed, still bummed but a bit better. 

"But seriously, what am I going to do?" He said.

Eliza put her hand on his, "You're going to solve this case. I know you can do it. And who knows, maybe this Jefferson thing can help you finally solve this."

Hamilton smiled at Eliza, "Ok. I'll work with him. But I won't like it." 

She smiled back at him. "I know you won't."


"This is the worst idea Washington's had yet! You and Hamilton?" Madison was shocked. 

"Yep. Apparently, Washington believes that since Hamilton is the smartest agent here and hasn't been able to solve the case, he thought that it would be better if he worked with someone who was 'intellectually matched', the case would be solved faster." Jefferson massaged his temples at the thought of having to work with Hamilton for months. The idea was maddening. 

"I don't understand it," Burr said, standing from his office chair, "Why would Washington choose Hamilton.." 

Madison rolled his eyes, "Now is not the time for jealousy, Burr." 

Burr was taken aback," J-jealous...who said anything about-" 

Madison took a step forward towards Burr, "Cut the crap Burr. Anyone who has eyes sees how jealous you are of Hamilton's opportunities." 

"Look," Burr said, still startled, "I did not come here to be-" 

"You came here to be in the room where it happens, this is the room where it's happening." 

Jefferson sighed and stood up, towering over the two men. Jefferson was significantly taller than the two. "Gentlemen, let's focus at the task at hand. How the hell am I going to get throughout this case with Hamilton without literally killing him?" 

"Simple," Burr said sarcastically, " Just don't kill him." 

Jefferson let a out a humorless laugh "You are the worst Burr. But seriously, there is no way this can work out. I hate the guy." 

Madison looked over at Jefferson, "You just met him four days ago." 

"Hey," Burr said, "That's all the time you need. With Alexander Hamilton, it's only a matter of time before you realize if you hate or love Hamilton." 

"How long did it take you to know that you disliked him?" Madison asked. 

"Two minutes." Burr answered. 

Jefferson massaged his temples again, a nervous tick. "How can I work with this man? As long as he holds a pen, he's a threat to me." 

Burr looked at Jefferson and answered. "Well then do the thing any sane person would do." 

"Don't get on his bad side." 

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