The Schuylers

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Everyone turned around to see a woman standing behind them. She wore a blush colored blouse with a black blazer over the top, her wild raven hair pinned up into a bun on the back of her head.  Alexander stood up, he always felt that he had to when she was around. Her wild eyes could pierce anyone easily if you crossed her. 

" did you-" he began. 

"You do know there security cameras everywhere, right? I see everything." she teased. The guys all stood uncomfortably. 

"Everything?" Madison called out meekly. 

Peggy laughed, "Angie! Stop scaring these boys and tell us why you came down here!" 

Angelica smiled at her baby sister and continued. "Alright, like I said before, I saw that Alexander never left his desk, so I decided to come down here. I was going to tell you to go home and get your mind off the case,  but let's face it, you probably wouldn't listen to me anyway. So, I came down here, overheard what Laf said, and I agree that a small mission would help. "

Another woman appeared from behind Angelica, she had a smaller frame and a sweet voice. "And, lucky for you, the task has just opened up." 

Madison jumped, "Geez, Eliza, what's up with the Schuyler sisters and appearing out of the darkness?" 

"Honestly," Peggy said, "It's probably just the writer doing that for dramatic affect." 

"What?" said Mulligan. 

"Nothing." Peggy said quickly. 

Eliza stepped forward, her blue eyes shimmering with confusion, "Uhhh... anyway. We've got a mission for all of you. John, you'll be on standby in case someone gets hurt, knock on wood. Angelica and I will also be on standby if you guys get in an emergency.  Hamilton, you Lafayette, Mulligan, and Peggy will be on the feild. We go at noon. Dismissed. " 

Everyone got up to leave, ready to gear up for the mission. 

Peggy lit up, her eyes wide" WAIT?! Really? I get to be on the field for the mission? " 

Angelica and Eliza both looked at each other and smiled. 

"Peggy," Angelica said "we think you are ready. Eliza and I talked about it, and everyone has to start somewhere. Besides, it's a small mission, and you were the top of your class..." 

Peggy rushed over, hugging her sisters. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" 

Angelica and Eliza both couldn't help laughing. 

Alexander smiled sadly. Would he ever have a family like that one day? "Highly unlikely." he thought. "I have my work. Work is my focus."  He looked over at the sisters laughing and hugging when Eliza caught his eye. She smiled sweetly at Alexander, and he felt his cheeks getting warm. It's been a while since anyone had looked at him like that. 

"We should probably leave as soon as possible, will you be ready soon?" said Angelica. 

"Oui! Give me and Herc ten minutes to get everything packed for the trip." Lafayette looked over at Mulligan, "Come mi amour." 

Everyone began to disperse, leaving only Alex and John. Alexander went back to his work, typing and clicking through articles about the murders. John stared at him for a while, and sighed sadly. He really was worried about his friend. 


Alex looked up at his best friend. 

John reached placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Take better care of yourself. Please. I worry about you."

"I will." 

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