Take a Break

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Alexander woke up to a bright light shining in his face. 

"Alexander... Alexander.... Alex wake up!"a soft voice spoke. 

Alexander slowly lifted up his head, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked up at who the voice belonged to.

"C'mon Alex, I thought you said you were going home after nine last night!" 

The man standing over him sounded exasperated. Alex sat up, stretching out his back. His neck hurt. 

"I'm sorry John, " he began, "but I was so close this time..."  John cut him off. 

"No, you say that every time. When was the last time you went home and got a full nights rest?" 

Alex tried to recall, but he couldn't remember. He was a bit ashamed about that. 

" I... I don't need a full nights sleep John, I have coffee and I take vitamins and-" 

John cut him off again. 

"NO Alex! It's not healthy. I'm your best friend, and your doctor, isn't my advice against your sleeping habits enough?" 

Alexander stood up, followed by a hot, shooting pain in his neck. 

"Ouch!" he exclaimed. That was the last straw for John. 

"Alright, that's it. Tonight I'm driving you home and I'm going to physically watch you go into your apartment. I don't want to hear another word." 

Hamilton chuckled. If there was one thing John did, it was keep his word. 

"No reason to fight it, I guess," he thought. 

"Alright, John." 

John continued, not even finished about Hamilton's health,  "And another thing-" 

He was interrupted by the door opening, and a loud group of people entered the room.  Agents Mulligan, Lafayette, and Madison filed into the office area, laughing about something while holding  pastries. Madison had a thick scarf wrapped around his lower half of his face, while Mulligan had his arm wrapped around the smaller man, laughing quite loudly. 

"All I'm saying is that you don't need that scarf, James. It's only 58 degrees outside!" 

"Give me a break Mulligan, it's not this cold in Virginia." 

"Cold?!", exclaimed Lafayette in a heavy accent, " Pshaw! You do not know the meaning of cold until you spend a winter in Paris!"

 Mulligan keeled over, laughing so hard that his sides hurt. Lafayette laughed with him, and Madison rolled his eyes. Lafayette shouted into the dark office space, "Bonjour, quelqu'un ici? Nous avons apporté des pâtisseries!"

Alexander laughed at his friends, "Oui, it's just me and John!"

The group slowly made their way over to Alexander's office, Mulligan still laughing at Madison's intolerance towards the cold air.

"Isn't it a bit early to be drinking, Herc?" Laurens joked.

"Nah man, just happy today." Mulligan answered.

John raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "Why?"

Hercules pretended to be taken aback. "Wah- Can't I just be happy and not have a reason why?"

Lafayette poked his head in through the office door, "Burr tripped and fell down the stairs."

Mulligan began to snort as he recalled the memory. Alex perked up.

"Burr? A physical injury? I've got to see this."

"We took a video, mon ami, I'll send you it to you in the group chat." Lafayette answered.

Suddenly, the door busted open as Peggy, an intern wearing her usual yellow sundress and flower in her hair, entered the room holding a coffee tray.

"Who wants coffee guys?" she said.

All the men simultaneously accepted the offer. Peggy noticed Alexander rubbing his neck.

"Oh, Alex, you stayed here all night again, didn't you?"

Alexander laughed. "Alright Peg, you got me."

John sat on Alexander's desk, sipping at his coffee.

"I found him asleep on the keyboard this morning.", he said, rather acrimoniously.

"Well, mon ami," Lafayette said, "At least he slept!"

John nodded, "Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Hamilton, why do you insist on staying up so late. Your works of writings are amazing, you can easily write a report on whatever Washington gives you." Madison asked.

"It's not the writing I can't figure out, it's the case itself. Washington wanted me to figure this out months ago, and I'm no where close to figuring out who did this, how these murders are connected. I knew one of them. John Jay, remember? He goes missing for three days, and then he turns up dead on the coast. Why? I just, I just can't figure this one out."

"Alex," Peggy said, " No one has been able to solve this case, not even Washington's inner circle. If they can't figure it out, why do they think one man can?"

Lafayette nodded in agreement. "She's right, mon ami, it is unfair for you to hold yourself to this standard. "

"Yeah Alex, " John said, "Just take a break form the case."

Lafayette jumped up, excited, "ATTENDS UNE SECONDE! Alexander, what if you came with us on our next mission? Just something small, something to get your mind of the case. Que dis-tu? Are you in?" 

Alex looked around at his friends smiling faces, and smiled back. "Alright, alright, I'm in. " 

"Good," said a figure, standing behind the group, "because your mission starts now." 

Diametrically Opposed (Hamilton Agent AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora