Running Out Of Time

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That's when they heard the gunshots. That caused the chaos. People imeadiately began rushing out of their cars, grabbing their children, getting away from the highway. Alexander looked up from the ambassador and caught Peggy's eye. 

"GET EVERYONE OFF OF THE ROAD, NOW!" He ordered. Peggy nodded, running away from the action to secure the area. A bullet zoomed past Alexander's ear, tearing through the side of an abandoned car, ripping through the metal and startling him. "Shit," he said. That was too close. Alexander looked back down at the ambassador and yanked him up. "C'mon, I have to get you out of here." Alexander helped the man up and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the men in black. Holy shit, he's tall. Alexander led him behind another car and spoke into his com. 

"HQ come in, SOMEONE come in please." Alexander reached for the gun around his belt. He looked down at the ambassador. "Stay down." he ordered. He began to shoot at the men in black, bobbing up and down to avoid getting hit. "HQ come in, do you copy?" 

Lauren's staticy voice came in from the other side. Shit, it must have gotten some feedback from the explosion. 

"Alex...ander?... What's....Going..on?" 

"John, we're under attack."


"He's fine. We're fine, but not for long." 

"Alex....sending...backup...careful..." John's voice was lost to the static. Shit. 

"This was not how I thought today would go," said the ambassador, rather bitter. What's with this guy? 

"Yeah, well I didn't expect this to happen either, so shut up and let me focus." Alexander said. He looked back at the ambassador, who started to look up at Alexander with some sort of fire in his eyes. "And keep your damn head DOWN." Alexander ordered again. He looked up over the car again, and saw one man holding a firearm that was bigger than the others. His face was covered, but Alexander knew one thing, that was no gun. It was a bazooka. "Are you shitting me?" Alexander said, grabbing the ambassador again and running. The car behind them exploded, throwing the two men to the ground once more. This time Alexander landed on his back knocking the wind out of him. He felt something cut the side of his cheek, a hot pain followed by a sticky feeling. Blood.  No time to check. He grabbed the ambassador's hand once again when he heard a voice. 



"Laf," he called back, scanning the area for his friend, "where are you?" 

Lafayette popped up a few cars away, waving his hands frantically. "C'mon," Alexander said to the ambassador, dragging him along. They ducked behind the car where Lafayette was sitting when they saw why Lafayette was so frantic before. Mulligan was pinned under his motorcycle, bleeding and unconscious. It hit him.

 "The crash on the side of the car. It was Hercules, he was thrown into the side of the car." Lafayette looked up Alexander, scared. "Help me get this thing off of him," he begged. 

All three men sprung into action, Alexander and the ambassador lifting the heavy machine while Lafayette dragged Hercules out from under the debris. Lafayette started shaking Hercules. 

"Herc, wake up. Hercules... please wake up. WAKE UP-" 

The frenchman was interrupted by a wave a bullets, hitting the sides of the car. Lafayette looked up at Alexander, scared. "Alexander, they're getting closer. We can't run." 

Alexander looked at the three men, before looking back at the group of masked men, inching closer. "You're right, you can't run. But I can." 

Alexander jumped over the side of the car, running away from the group as far as possible. He began shooting at the group from the side, taking out two before the group shifted their attention towards Hamilton. They began to move towards Hamilton, the bullets tearing through metal car door and hitting the concrete. Alexander turned to run, but found himself trapped between the median and the car. Shit. He began firing at the men in front of him, hoping that his friends were getting to safety. He didn't even notice the figure running up behind him, a gun in their hand. 

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