Three Days

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"Three days. Three fucking days and NOTHING." Alexander shouted the last part, slamming his bandaged hands on Washington's desk. Eliza and Hercules flinched as his hands met the desk. Everyone seemed too shocked to even speak. Except for John, who immediately walked concernedly towards Alexander, holding his best friends hands.

"Alexander, please be careful! You'll stitches will fall out." John said, his eyes gleaming with worry as he unraveled the bandaging.

"Laf's been missing for three days," Alexander spat, ignoring John's worried fluttering around his hands.

"Agent Hamilton, please refrain from slamming on my desk. I trust you won't do it again," Washington said nonchalantly as he sat in his chair. Hamilton only seemed to escalate at Washington's lack of empathy.

"Three days, and you still won't allow me to work on finding him. Have you even comprehended what danger he could be in?"

"I have," Washington said, standing up, "But perhaps you should come back when your emotions are stable."

Washington's calm demeanor seemed to anger Alexander even more.

"I AM in control of my emotions!" He yelled, his face inches away from the director. Washington sat there for a moment, thinking, his face showing a tad bit of annoyance and something else no one could read.

"Everyone leave. I would like to have a word with Hamilton."

Eliza nodded while Hercules just left quietly. John, begrudgingly, re-wrapped Alexander's bandages and left the room, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door clicked, Washington's demeanor completely changed.

"You want to pull yourself together?" The director spat angrily.

"What?" Alexander said, with an equal amount of villainy in his voice.

"You freaking out about Laf will do nothing but upset the team. And look at you! You can barely stand. You should be resting with the others."

"I'm fine." Alexander said through gritted teeth.

"No you're not. I'm ordering you to stay put and rest. You will not look into this case any further without my order. Is that clear?"

Hamilton said nothing.

Washington repeated himself impatiently.

"That is an order. Is that clear?"

Alexander stares down the y'all man with defiance in his eyes.


Washington sat down at his desk once more.

"Good that will be all."
Alexander turned to leave.

"And son?"

Hamilton flinched at the nick name and turned around.

"Try not to say his name in front of Mulligan. It really is killing him."

Alexander nodded and closed the door, a bit too loudly to be respectful, before turning on his heel and slowly walked (or limped) down the hall. He was going to find Lafayette. He'd make sure of it.

A/N: I know this chapter is short but I was having some writers block.

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