& then Ashton sat on the other side of me on the couch outside.

"Hi Shay, I kind of want to apologize. I was really rude earlier. & I actually am glad you're here."

"Awh, no worries."

"Still, I'm sorry. I promise I'm not a rude person. What a horrible first impression."

"You care about Michael, it's okay if you were like upset or something. He's told me a lot about you, I know you're a good guy."

"Well, thanks. So wanna order in some dinner & spend the night just catching up with each other & getting to know Shay?"

Everyone nodded. 

"That good for you babe?" Michael asked me.

"Definitely. I'm starving anyway."

We went inside & the guys ordered from Michael's favorite pizza place & then we spent the rest of the night eating & talking.

"So tell me, what has 5sos been up to?" Michael asked, his expression looking like he was in literal heaven after being reunited with his favorite pizza place, which I must say wasn't bad.

"Uhm, well." Luke began, "We wrote with a couple people but we have some writing sessions set for London & L.A soon so you can take those. Uhm we had a few studio sessions but I don't think we'll use those songs for the album so it's no big deal you missed them."

"Yea, the songs sucked without you. Like without us four, nothing was working." Calum added.

"We're working on another tour though soon, to like properly tour our first album. We've done a tour for like the SLSP EP & some new stuff for One Direction but we haven't done the album so that's in the works." Ashton told us.

"& when would we do that?" Michael asked.

"We're thinking we'll start in the spring somewhere & then just tour the usual, the UK, the states, our homeland & we're trying for more European dates."

Wow, that was a hell of a lot of touring. Once Michael heard that, he smiled. I knew he was itching to get back out on tour, especially their own shows, but I guess reality was hitting that like this is his reality, this was his real job & we'd be apart a lot once they began these tours.

"You good Shay? You're kind of quiet." Michael quietly said to me, poking my side.

"I'm fine, just a little sleepy."

"Jet lag hitting ya?" He asked & I just nodded.  At least I had jet lag as an excuse for now. 

"So Shay, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Calum asked me.

"Uhm I want to be a writer, like an author."

"Ah, writing what?" Calum followed up with.

"Uhm, I can explain another time."

Michael looked at me, he understood why I couldn't tell them yet considering what I was writing was essentially an autobiography about my alcoholism.

"What? Is it like 50 shades or something?" Ashton laughed.

"You never know." I smiled.

"Well, tell us the basics about you!" Luke said to me, while he handed me another slice of pizza.

"Thanks..uhm okay so I'm an only child. I was born & raised in Manhattan. My dad works on Wall Street but I don't know exactly what & my mom is like a New York housewife, so high end lifestyle. I'm not the biggest fan of that life but it is what it is. Uhm I took a gap year after I graduated high school but now I don't even know if I need Uni just because I want to see where this writing thing takes me first but yea, that's about it. "

Later in the night, the guys switched from soda to beers.

"Shay, want a cold one too?" Calum asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm okay with water, thanks though."

"Are you sure? You can legally drink here." He joked.

"I know, I'm okay without for now."

"I don't want one either." Michael yelled over so Cal could hear.

I looked at Michael. He never drank around me before & I think he was scared to.

"You should have one." I said up to him, loud enough for only him to hear.

"That's fine, it'll mess with the jet lag."

I nodded as if I agreed but I knew that wasn't the reason. I understand his hesitation to drink around me but I didn't want to prevent him from that either. 

A bit later, the guys had  started to play fifa. Calum & Michael couldn't wait to play each other again & Ashton wanted to show Michael how much he improved.

I cuddled up on a chair behind the t.v & just watched the boys all interact, as if they hadn't missed a moment.  I could only take so much watching though before I drifted in & out of sleep.

"Yes!" I heard Michael scream, I assumed he beat Calum & that scream shook me out of my sleep. "Did you see that babe? Oh, you're sleepy Shay, why didn't you tell me, we could have gone to bed." Michael said, walking towards me & sitting on the chair arm.

"Sorry, just a little. You can keep playing if you want."

"It's okay, I beat Calum, that's all that matters." He laughed. "We can head to bed. Come on."

So I said goodnight to the boys & then followed Mikey to his room before changing into my pjs & then joining him in his bed.

"Feel good to be back in your bed?" I asked.

"Yea, it does. I'm glad you're in my bed with me too though. This feels even better." He smiled, kissing the top of my head. 

"Me too. I'm really glad I'm here."

"Now get some sleep Shay, okay?"

I just nodded & felt safe as if I was right where I belonged.

But before I went to sleep, the idea of Michael touring all of next year was the final thought on my mind & it wasn't a pleasant one.


A/N sorry i feel like i haven't updated in forever but i've been apartment hunting on campus & trying to get four girls to agree on a location, budget, & what we want is impossible. we've seen like ten different complexes & we're seeing two more in a few hours. wish me luck. i just want to get out of the dorms for next year without spending too much. #brokecollegekid

anyway, everyone is reunited & happy kinda in the fic. i just love shay & michael. i can't help it. i ship my own characters so much.

hope you're still enjoying this! i wrote it so long ago so i kind of forgot what i even wrote & so when i edit the chapters, i feel like i'm reading a new story. it's kinda cool.

okay shine on :)

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