Author's Note

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Sorry guys this is not an update. I just wanted to clarify few things with y'all. But before doing that I want to thank y'all for loving this and my other stories. For sticking with me till now and putting up with my late updates. Sorry about those.

I wanted to let you know the reason for my irregular updates. To tell the truth, there is currently lot going in my life. I have too much on my plate personally and professionally. And I am trying to work everything out and update regularly at the same time. I have not been able to even write anything.

I believe the situation is going to remain same for the next three months, possibly till September.

And I have lots of messages from you guys for updates, for different books. And it hurts me when I am unable to put up anything.

I have been thinking about this idea but was not able to make up whether I should follow through or not. But today one of you suggested it also, so I decided to go with.

So the idea is I am putting up a book now. The cover page of which is down below. Search for this in my profile and I am sure you guys will find it.

I will be conducting poll in that book. I could have done in one of the books but not everyone reads all of my books and I don't want anyone to miss out.

Just vote for which book you would like to read first. And I will update only that one first.

That way, I will be able to regularly update one. And you guys won't have to keep asking me. Everyone will be on the same page. Once I am done with first book, I will go to the next and so on. And if time permits I might update two at a time,though I can't guarantee that.

Sheesh, I think this is my second time setting up poll lol 😂. I had put up once long back for my other stories, this feels like a deja vu.

The poll will start at 11 o'clock tonight and will run till midnight.

Let me know

Ri x

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