Never Again

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It was early morning on the set and everyone was running around to set up the first scene of the day.

The scene was Zoya would be getting the stage for the event and Aditya would come towards her. She will stumble and the garland of flower will fall upon them. They will get tangled and will try to remove the garlands as tactically as they can while standing close to each other , only for the garland to break into two halves as they move away from each other. The halfing of the garland will symbolize the fact that they both will alway be incomplete without each other whenever they will move away from each other.

It was simple, right? No, dialogues being exchange, no intense look - nothing. Just sharing irritable and disturbed glances while trying to pull away from each other.

Well, Jennifer didn't think so.

Standing on her spot at Zoya's place as she listened to her director repeat the whole scene to her for the fourth time today, this time including everyone all she could think about ways she can pull through this scene without making a mess of herself.

She clenched her fist tightly by her side as her eyes fell on him while absentmindedly nodding to her director. She didn't want to interrupt his passionate instructions about the scene to everyone, all her attention was instead focused on the person who hasn't made an eye contact with her since they reached the set.

She curses in her breathe, mumbling this going to be though and hoping she pull this scene without any commotion. And if you are thinking it is because her developing crush on him or the way she will find herself getting lost in his eyes or the way her heart beats whenever they are close to each other then you are incredibly wrong

Although, all that do happen to her more often than she would like but this time it was something else that was messing with her thoughts, her breathes coming in pants and they hadn't even said action. It was the fact that she had a row- a proper fight with her co-star, just before coming to the set.

She remembered how she was being stubborn and he was trying to ask, almost begging her to name whatever that has been going on with them. She remembered how he asked her to confess her feelings for him just as he did only for to reject him. She remembered how the colours in his eyes dimmed the moment she disregard whatever that had been happening between them as merely a strong bond. And when he grabbed her pulling her close asking that to say it to his face that she doesn't feel the same for her to break away stating for him to be in the  limits of their friendship and not go beyond leaving him and coming straight on the set.

And now, the way his eyes locked on hers and then quickly shifted elsewhere, trying to look at anyone but her proved that he was still pissed off with her or maybe more than he was in the morning. The thought alone burning  her heart.

She never thought his words or lack off will affect her this much. But they certainly did. And she was amazed at her ownself how she had managed to keep calm till now.

The camera starts to roll as Jenny thinks in her mind that she can do it. Harshad is a gentleman who will surely respect her wishes and the way he comes near her reciting his dialogues Jenny feels as if the old him is back. She hopes it will as they finish this shoot.

She turns around stumbling, shivering to her surprise as he holds her waist. Both of them look at each other giving perfect expressions as the garland falls on their heads. It always amazes her how he can quickly, like in a snap of a finger can get into his character. She had seen none of her previous co-star having this skill.

They try to break apart as they were instructed only for her foot slip and before she can think she grabs him by his shirt pulling him down with her, not missing the surprise look on her face.

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